ISN Checks

Interactive Student Notebook (you become the type of student you want to be!)









It is expected that ISN work is completed prior to the ISN check.

You will be notified at least one week in advance of when the upcoming ISN check will be and should prepare for that date.

*You will complete the form below for not being prepared and will not receive any additional credit for ISN work completed after the due date. You will also send an email to your parent(s) explaining why you will not receive grades for the ISN and why it was not completed on time.*

ISN work needs to be:

- completed fully (less than fully complete with receive a score matching that on the standard-based scale)

- labeled (ISN # and date) as well as the heading for quick referencing (refer to the checklist posted for each unit)

- in order of how we completed things in class

- put into the notebook (taped in, stapled, glued, etc. There are many options available in class). Things cannot be in multiple places such as a folder, then your binder, and also your locker.

ISN Issues

Work that is not completed, missing, or has other issues that distract from the objective of the ISN item will not be given full credit. You will also need to complete the form to the right. (Copies will be kept with your contact log information).

You will not receive credit for work that you complete after the ISN check.

ISN Check Rubric

This rubric will used for each ISN check so it is expected you know and are prepared based on the expectations.

Copy of 4 point basic rubric

Setting up your ISN (station 2)

Follow these steps to set up your ISN notebook. If you do not have the right notebook at this point copy the steps on a piece of paper and catch-up when you have a notebook.

1. Write your name of the front and back covers of the notebook. This will help when finding your notebook at the beginning of the period.

2. Create a table of contents. You can choose to create one master table of content or add a table of contents to the beginning of each unit. Either way there will be master table of contents where you will write what page each unit starts on.

    • create a title for the syllabus and student profile.

3. Number all the pages. Start with "1" after the table of contents and number the pages of your notebook (or at least to page 20 or so).

4. You are going to start part one of the Student Profile. Create the Cornell note setup on page 2 (your syllabus will go on page 1).

  • On your notebook there should be a narrow column on the LEFT side that is where you will put the main ideas or bullet-point play-by-play of your notes. Don't draw the line all the way to the bottom of your page; leave a few lines at the bottom (see visual to help you)

  • On the RIGHT side is where you can write the notes, create a concept map, draw visuals, make a timeline, etc. that summarize what you learned.

  • On the BOTTOM there is space for you to write a summary of what you learned and wrote about (pretend you were visiting your notes page but did not want to reread everything you wrote down, the summary would give you the snapshot).


6. Make sure you read and complete 5 before moving onto this step. So you should have written, drawn, or done something to demonstrate how you connected to the prompt on the RIGHT side of the page. Now move back to the LEFT side of the page. Write 2-3 ideas (these do not have to be sentences) that focus on the big ideas of your work.

We will work on the summary section AFTER finishing Station 4.

5. Alright, your student profile page. You will add to the page based on Station 4. Choose one of the topics below and free-write in the newly set-up Cornell Page until it is time to move to the next station.

  • The best day in SCHOOL you ever had and why.

  • Your favorite thing to learn about and why (provide examples to do a good job).

  • The best activity you did in a class before and why.

  • Something you learned about yourself as a learner and student.

  • One thing you want to do differently this school year then you did before as a student.

  • Which educational theorist do you think had the best view of how students learn? Why?

Extra Considerations for setting up your note book

Do you want a book mark to keep track of what page you are working on?

Do you want to make a pocket/folder to store work for each unit?