3: China

We will study Ancient China to see how remarkable it was for that time period and the ways their PEGS systems developed into distinct systems. We will then analyze how communism changed China into the current country it is today.

Unit 4: China Engineering an Empire


Getting to know China's PEGS

For this unit you will discover China by focusing on points of interest to learn about their system of PEGS. Each place you find will need a description of the physical space and explanation as to how the location lends itself to a particular system of PEGS.


After finding places that show PEGS in China (A shopping center? Home to an important political movement, person, event? Natural resources? Where people worship? Go to school?) you will add this information to the three ISN assignments below to make the formative for the unit.

  • ISN 6 will serve as a reflection opportunity as you will make a list of the 10 most essential learning topics.

  • ISN 7 will allow you to explore China's PEGS systems by using the World Factbook.

  • After you complete the necessary background information you will then turn the focus to current event articles to see China's current relationship with globalization for ISN 8.

The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. ~G.K. Chesterton

Step One: Doing the Research on China PEGS

U4: China’s Development/Points of Interest

Part Two:

China's Development and Connection to Globalization

We are going to look at China's PEGS aspects and current events (link to ISN 7 & 8) to get a full picture of how China has become developed and contributes to the process of globalization.

PEGS of China (ISN 7)

  • Find three boxes you want to answer to learn more about the PEGS of China in its present state

  • Pair-share with classmates to find out more about China

Current event article analysis (ISN 8)

  • find TWO articles from the list

  • read the articles thoroughly

  • write responses to these two prompts

      • main idea: what is this article about? How can I summarize the article?

      • author's purpose: what does the author want you to learn or know more about from the article?

  • then explain how this article helped you further understand China's development? Find 3 pieces of evidence or support to show how your understanding is deeper as a result of the articles.

U4 China Tic Tac Toe

Our next steps are to compare what we learned about China to what we will learn about India.

We are going to use current articles about India and China's contribution to globalization to complete a Venn Diagram. China and India Venn Diagram

You will need a partner to compare articles and discuss what you read.

U4 Formative & Summative for China

Enrichment Opportunity1. Look at the Chinese calendar and determine how you match the characteristics for the year you were born. Do you happen to fulfill certain aspects of the personality, like the colors and numbers, or have friends or relationships with people who were born in certain years? Write a reflection (4-6 sentences) about your thoughts of the Chinese interpretation of years. 2. Review at least one topic below and explain how it elaborates on your understanding of this unit on China. What was it and how hoe does it connect to what we learned?- Mongol CrashCourse - One Child Policy - Human Rights Watch- China and Tibet - China and Taiwan - The Last Dalai Lama- Buddhism - Environmental Concerns - China's Airpocalypse- Beijing's Smog: A Tale of Two Cities - Using 'The Simpsons' to explain how Asian Americans are overlooked- Why 1.2 billion people share the same 100 surnames in China
U4 China/BRICS Analysis