3: Geographic System (G)

How does LOCATION impact a country's development?

The geographic system explores the location of a place, the climate and terrain, the neighbors, and geographic features to analyze how this affects the political, economic, and social systems. For instance, does their location next to a hostile country impact their type of government? Do their natural resources or size of the country positively or negatively impact their ability to trade or contribute to the world market? Is the country more similar or different than their neighbors or does their healthcare and education vary based on their geography? We will see what is included in this system so we evaluate the role overall.

Learning Targets

  • I can identify and evaluate the importance of the five themes of geography
  • I can define and explain important terms related to the geographic system including trends ranging from desertification, deforestation to natural hazards to land use.
ISN #___:Geographic System

PART ONE: Themes of Geography

Let's look at the Five Themes of Geography to see the broad categories and then focus on specific terms. Answer these questions using the resources. Then along your notes RANK the themes of geography in terms of importance to you.

  • Region
    • How is it defined? What is an example of PHYSICAL characteristics in the US? Can you think of HUMAN characteristics in the US? What would that be?
  • Location
    • Absolute location compared to relative location
    • Why is it important to know both terms? Which term is used most often?
  • Place
    • Physical and human characteristics
    • What is one physical characteristic of Boulder? What would you choose as a human characteristic?
  • Human Environment Interaction
    • What does it mean that humans depend on the environment? What is an example?
    • Why would humans modify the environment? What is an example of this?
    • What leads to humans adapting to the environment? How do we see this?
  • Movement
    • What is involved in movement? How do we see movement in our society?

PART TWO: Geography Terms

There are certain terms that will be used whenever we study the geographic system. Below is a list of some of the terms so we can define and understand these terms. Please use the cia.gov/worldfactbook to delve into the explanations.

  • Geography
  • Land Use
  • Natural resources and agricultural products


Add five more environmental issues and why you feel these are more common than the types.

Research desertification and deforestation. Why are these terms important? What does it tell you about an area and the people?

Complete the Five Themes of Geography topics for a place in the Eastern Hemisphere (find the location, place, movement, HEI, and region for a country in Europe, Asia, or Africa).

During our unit on Africa and the role of colonization we will revisit the geographic system to see the ways geography impacts the other systems of PES.

The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exist across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together. Barack Obama