5: Summative

Summative Options

Choose an option below to explore a topic related to the unit that will allow you to learn more about how colonization impacted a country, the future of Africa, or the other issues that occur in developing countries.

Option One:

  • Research another country that was colonized and compare it to what you learned from the formative assessment.

U5 Summative Option 1

Option Four:

In the last unit we learned about globalization. For this summative, you are going to focus on how globalization connected to the themes of geography.

Unit 5: Summative Choice 4

Option Two:

  • Part of the themes of geography is MOVEMENT. For this summative you will explore one of the topics related to movement.

U5 Summative Option 2 - Themes of Geography → MOVEMENT

Option Five:

Choose to learn about the Five Themes of Geography and more about the world - near & far!

U5 Summative Option 5: 5 Themes of Geography

Option Three:

For this summative, you will explore climate change to better understand how human-environment interaction is connected to our unit of geography. You need to complete one enrichment activity if working with a partner.

U5 Summative: Choice 3 - Climate change

Enrichment Options

  • Top Ten List of the most important ideas about geography and colonization of Africa

  • ABC quilt to reflect what you learned about this unit

  • What are Lonely Planet's top countries to visit in 2018? Choose two places that you would want to visit and explain the appeal OR create a list of 5 more countries you think they overlooked and why. Link to Lonely Planet article

  • Watch a student-narrated video (LINK) and write about how watching the video helped you better understand the topic.

  • Compare the colonization of your assigned country to United States (the 13 Colonies were colonized by the British, but parts of the US have impacts of the French and Spanish colonization that occurred also). Choose a region and explain how their histories and current situations overlap? You can focus on PEGS to show the similarities and differences.

  • Do you have an idea that you want to explore for an enrichment option?