3rd Quarter

Plan & Pitch

Plan - Take control of your ideas and determine what needs to happen to carry out the next stage of the Wonder Project.

Three focus questions

1. What do you want to do with the topic?

2. Who would be interested in learning about the topic?

3. What assistance do you need along the way (resources, mentors, etc) to be successful?

I wonder...

  • how I can help the homeless community; what are the needs of the elderly in a nearby nursing home; what it was like to live in the 1950s; how to create an app that tracks how I use my time during the day

Pitch - Sharing your wonder with others as you move forward on the journey

This is a fun step, I promise! You get to share what you know and also hear feedback from the class so that you can refine the project. Link to PITCH PROPOSAL.


Wonder Log

Q3 Wonder Log

Day One: Making a Plan

Day One (⅛) Thesis Statements

Day Two: Finding Sources

Q3 Wonder Log: Database

Days Three & Four: Evaluating and using sources

Q3 Wonder CRAAP test
Q3 Wonder Annotating Sources

Day Five: Citing & Annotating Sources

Q3 Wonder: Annotated Bibliography
Q3&Q4: Weekly Reflection for Passion Project