The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages (sometimes called the Dark Ages) occurred after the fall of Rome and until there is a "rebirth" of Greek and Roman ideas (known as the Renaissance). Choose your preferred methods to take notes about this time period. Organize your notes into PEGS and be prepared to identify how power/government evolved during this time (and why conflict occurred), how people traded or were able to make a living, where people lived, and what life was like for most people.


  • Black Plague
  • Catholic Church (power of the Church)
    • monasticism
    • division of Christianity into two Churches—the Western branch became the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern branch the Eastern Orthodox Church
  • Great Schism
  • Battle of Tours
  • The Franks
  • Military leaders - Charlemagne, Charles Martel, Clovis
  • Vikings, Huns, and Visigoths
  • Feudalism (the Feudal Pyramid)
  • The Crusades
  • Byzantine empire
    • Justinian and Theodora
    • Constantinople
    • Hagia Sophia

Enrichment Opportunities - Choose one of the following to explore and learn more about the time period.

1. What was the Battle of Tours? Why did this occur, and what were the effects of this battle? Why is it considered one of the most important battles of all time?

2. Research an important individual during this time period and explain what their influence was during the Middle Ages. People to research - Joan of Arc, Charles Martel, Clovis, Charlemagne, Justinian, etc.

3. Focus on the differences between Romanesque churches and Gothic churches. Find real examples of the churches and how architecture improved during this time.

4. Find out more regarding the Byzantine Empire. What elements of the Roman empire did they keep, and how were they different? Who were Justinian and Theodora? How did they maintain power?

5. Why was there so much focus on religion? Why were the monasteries important to their way of life?