LP week 9, 4th 9 weeks


Spanish 1

Monday- Tuesday-Exam Review- Use the conjugation notes and dictionary to practice conjugating unfamiliar AR verbs.

Wednesday- Put the answers on the board to practice pronunciation and go over commonly made mistakes.

Thursday-Friday- Work on the last Spanish 1 review page. Identify spelling errors. Review for exam. Finish any unfinished work.Ā 

Spanish 2

Monday- Friday- Finish Rueda de Preguntas, Rutina Diaria slides, packet page 11, and pixel 1 for practice. Review for exam.Ā 

Spanish 3

Monday- Complete the Tengo Hambre slides and turn it in on GC.

Tuesday- Practice grocery shopping from a list. Complete the Que prefieres? writing prompt.

Wednesday- Practice grocery shopping from a list with a partner.

Thursday-Friday-Role play with the food modelsĀ