LP week 1, 2nd 9 weeks

WEEK OF 10/30-11/3


Monday and Tuesday- Each class will watch The Book of Life. 

Wednesday- We will discuss the cultural significance of:

The Day of the Dead and what each day represents



papel picado

bright colors

cemeteries and burial practices

monarch butterflies

Xibalba, the Candle Maker, La Muerte (la Catrina) and the creation story

Thursday- Read the Scholastic article about the migration of the monarch butterfly. Answer the comprehension questions when finished with the article. Read the significance of each item added to the ofrenda. Make your own. 

Friday- Color the Day of the Dead pages and skeletons and decorate the room. 


Interpersonal- Use digital and cultural resources appropriately. Infer meaning of unfamiliar language. Continue and extend conversations. Interact with culturally appropriate language and behaviors.

Interpretive: Investigate intercultural products, practices, and perspectives. Analyze the relationships among global cultural products, perspectives and practices in native and other cultures.