LP week 8, 4th 9 weeks


Spanish 1

All week- Work in groups to complete the AR verb conjugation and Spanish 1 Review packet. We will put answers on the board and practice pronunciation. Correct mistakes together. 

Monday- Complete the Wizer AR graded practice page. 

Standards- Infer meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary using word families. Make comparisons between the native and target languages and cultures. Extend conversational skills by interacting with the language in culturally appropriate ways. 

Spanish 2, 3, 4

All week- We will work on pronunciation, dialects, and accents. With the practice page, we will identify Spanish phonemes and commonly mispronounced sounds to practice fluent pronunciation. We will use a grading rubric to guide the practice. The pronunciation tests will be next week (Wed., Thurs., Fri.)

Standards- Infer meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary using word families. Make comparisons between the native and target languages and cultures. Extend conversational skills by interacting with the language in culturally appropriate ways. 

Hispanic Civ.- Mexico Spotlight

Monday- Get Mexico´s famous artists Virtual Classroom. Click the links to view the most famous works from an array of Mexican artists. 

Tuesday-Thursday- Take the virtual field trip to Mexico. Click the links to  learn about Mexico´s history, landscapes, and culture. Discussion- Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera

Complete the Frida Kahlo Choice Board and navigate through the Dollar Street "How They Live" site to make cultural comparisons to daily lives in Mexico. 

Standard-Interpretive: Investigate intercultural products, practices, and perspectives. Analyze the relationships among global cultural products, perspectives and practices in native and other cultures.