Performance Enhancement/Productivity

Enhance Your Performance

Mid-terms, finals, projects, homework, they all have a way of sneaking up on us. We see many students that are struggling with being distracted, feeling like they don't have enough time, lack motivation that they used to have, and just have a sense of being overwhelmed. Below are some tips on how you can help yourself get more done in the same amount of time. 



Use of visualization is a great way to help enhance your performance.  The best part is, anyone can do it and you don't need anything but an imagination to do it.  

Joshua Lawrence, PhD., guides you in an exercise to achieve a balance of energy and focus. Use this exercise if you want to be mentally sharp and obtain peak, physical performance. 

You can find more exercises like this one under the Audio Files tab. 

Visualize to Actualize: Practice Mental Imagery to Peak Your Performance - Taken from

Mindfulness/Meditation - For more options, check out the Mindfulness/Meditation tab.

Articles of Interest

Relax! You'll be More Productive - NY Times article on how relaxing helps you do more

50 Ways To Increase Your Productivity - Article taken from

12 Rules For Increasing Personal Productivity - Article taken from December 16, 2014