Self Injurious Behavior

Facts - Information below was adapted from Mental Health America

What is it?

Self injury is when someone intentionally and repeatedly harms themselves. When most people think about self injury they think about cutting, however self injury can also be bruising, burning, self poisoning, breaking bones, pulling hair, or scratching.  Self injury does not necessarily mean that someone is suicidal, however, the self injurious behavior can end in death, often times, unintentionally. 

Who does it?

It’s estimated that about two million people in the U.S. injure themselves in some way.  The majority are teenagers or young adults with young women outnumbering young men. They are of all races and backgrounds.

Why do people self injure?

There can be many reasons why someone self injures.  The answers to that question can be as diverse as the people who do it.  Some of the most common responses to this question are; as an expression of pain or emotion they can't express or a way to take control when they feel they have little to no control in their lives.  It can also be a way to regulate intense emotions, or a way for people to retain a sense of identity and meaning.  

What do I do if I find out someone I care about is self harming?

What if I self injure, how can I help myself?

Other Resources

Local Area Crisis Line: 1-888-568-1112

National Hotline: 1-800-DONT CUT (1-800-366-8288)

Mental Health America - Mental Health America is a community-based network dedicated to helping all Americans achieve wellness by living mentally healthier lives.

Suicide Prevention - Links you to resources on this website