
Life is full of all kinds of relationships and during your college years you will be sure to experience lots of new ones.  This can be both stressful and exciting.  

Part of any good relationship is good communication.  Without being able to address difficulties as they come up, our stress levels increase and a strain is put on the relationship.  Many times people try to just ignore the difficulties, find a way to stuff it down.  This adds more stress on the individual who is struggling.  Typically it is better to speak directly about the situation at hand.  Keeping the focus on the behavior that is causing you distress and being open to discussing and coming up with options and compromises to make it through the difficulty.  Below are some tips on Conflict Resolution.  

Healthy Relationships Defined

Below information was adapted and taken from The National Domestic Violence Hotline:

Healthy relationships allow both partners to feel supported and connected but still feel independent. COMMUNICATION and BOUNDARIES are the two major components of a healthy relationship. Ultimately, the two people in the relationship decide what is healthy for them and what is not.  If something doesn't feel right, you should have the freedom to voice your concerns to your partner.


Communication allows you and your partner to have a deep understanding of each other, and allows you to connect. In a healthy relationship with good communication, both partners:


Each person should express to their partner what they are and are not comfortable with, when it comes to sex life, finances, family and friends, personal space and time. In a healthy relationship with boundaries, both partners:

Articles about Relationships and Communication

Getting The Male Persepective: How Do Relationships Change In College - Taken from USA Today on-line. By Alexandra Samuels. The University of Texas at Austin, September 26, 2014 8:32 am.  

What To Expect In Your First College Relationship (And How To Make It Work)- Taken from - By Allie Duncan in Relationships. Posted July 17, 2015 = 07:00 pm. 

When The Attraction Isn't Mutual - From Huffington Post on-line.  by Andrew Gelwicks, posted 11/30/2014 6:17 pm. 

Roommate Relationships Explored - From

7 College Roommate Conflicts And Solutions - From - by Jessica Yadegaran, posted 8/7/2013, 3:00 pm.

Communication Styles Can Affect Your Relationship - Taken from 

Intimate Relationships and Sexual Activity

An insightful take on how we have grown up talking about sexual activity and a way we can shift the language and show more respect and mutuality. 

Intimacy and Love, how to keep them growing.