Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Where are you located?

A: We are located in the Wellness Learning Center Building between the Commons and the Gracie. 

Q: How do I schedule an appointment?

A: You can call 207-941-7625 and speak with or leave a message with our Administrative Assistant or email  You can stop by the center to set up an appointment. You can also send an email to any of the counselors to set up a counseling appointment. 

Q: Are services confidential?

A: Yes.  All services are confidential and the center follows all the same laws of any other health or counseling center.  If you wish us to share information with anyone, you must sign a release.  We will only break confidentiality for very specific reasons related to safety. No matter what kind of appointment you have, the reasons for breaking confidentiality will be thoroughly discussed at your first appointment. 

Q: Do my parents have to know if I come in for services?

A: We do not share any information without permission from the client.  However, if you are a minor (17 or younger) your parents do not need to have you sign a release to speak with Health or Counseling Services.  There are certain types of information protected, even from parents for minors, and these will be discussed with you at your appointment. 

Q: I see a counselor at home, can I still come in to the Counseling Center for services?

A: Yes.  There are many reasons why we may work with someone who already has a counselor.  It is best to discuss with you counselor at home as well as your counselor at the center to ensure effectiveness. 

Q: I have a doctor at home.  Can I still see one of the Family Nurse Practitioners? 

A: Yes. If there is anything the Wellness Center's provider needs to know from your doctor, they will talk to you about signing a release. 

Q: How much do services cost?

A: Services are free for all Husson students.  Counseling services are covered by your tuition and fees.  There may be some Health Services that require payment.  Talk to a Family Nurse Practitioner about possible fees. 

Q: Can you prescribe medication? 

A: Yes.  Our Family Nurse Practitioners are able to prescribe medications.