On Your Own/No Support

Not everyone attending college has the love and support (financial or otherwise) of a family.  Students may have a loving family and have little financial support.  People may have financial support but the family isn't all that nurturing. There are also those students that have no nurturing or financial support.   They do it all by themselves.

No matter which one of the above situations, or range of situations,  a student is experiencing, it can cause them to feel incredibly isolated on campus and can greatly interfere with not only their social experience of college but also their academic experience. 

In the following pages you will find information on how to build supports of all kinds for a variety of situations.

The Basics

One of the most important things to do when you feel you have no one on your side is to find some people who will be.  If you can't count on your family or even friends, a college campus has a variety of resources and opportunities for you to build up some supports. So, where do you start? Here are some ideas. 

Other Students - In each of your classes pay attention to who seems like safe bet to engage with.  You don't have to start sharing your whole life.  You just need to start making contact and building up a group of people that you can study with, hang out with, and share with.  It's worth saying that you may have some people you can study with, others you can hang out with, and others that you can share with.  There may be some people who are in all three groups, but maybe not. 

Instructors - Whatever program you are in, there is bound to be a teacher that you feel you connect with.  Use these instructors as a starting point or as a resource for helping you further your academic career in their department.  

Advisers - Every student is paired with an adviser throughout their academic career.  This is another great starting point for support with classes, getting to know the campus, etc. 

Resident Director's (RD) - Offices within each of the dorms.  Excellent knowledge base of campus services to help you figure out where you might need to go for specific support.  RDs are also good listener's and can offer some support when you are struggling with something. 

Financial Aid Counselor - O'Donnell Commons - Every student is paired with a financial aid counselor.  Get to know them and use their knowledge and skills to help you with the financial concerns you may have regarding school. 

Wellness Center - New Wellness Learning Center between the Gracie and O'Donnell Commons - Can be used as a resource to problem solve and get ideas.  The counselors and health providers have knowledge and connections in the community as well as on campus that might be helpful resources for your personal needs.  Everything is confidential.

Career Services -  Peabody 201 - This is a great resource in general.  They can help you find a job, work on your resume, practice interviewing and much more.