
A clinical placement or internship comes with pressure.  Pressure to succeed.  To meet and surpass expectations.  You can feel pressure from yourself, from faculty,  from your family and friends, from peers, and from your new supervisors and co-workers.   Sometimes you can handle pressure with out much difficulty or strain.  Other times the pressure seems to feel bigger and more difficult and can affect how you behave, feel about yourself, think, and perform.  

How Pressure is Experienced

Pressure in and of itself is not a negative thing.  A build up of pressure and feeling unable to handle it or know what to do about it can lead you to shutdown or simply not behave in ways that you would normally. 

Ways to Relieve Pressure

There are many ways for people to manage/relieve pressure.  Typically you already instinctively do things that help you.  Maybe you like to workout to clear your head, or talk with friends, or listen to music. These are great ways to maintain your sense of stability, however, there are times when your typical routine for managing stress doesn't seem to work.  Pressure/stress is one of those things that can creep up on you and slowly build.  So what can you do?

Once you do the above, you can make a plan.  That plan may be to get on a better sleep schedule, stop drinking so much, change your mindset about your placement, etc.  If you need assistance making a plan, identify your resources and ask for help.  A good plan will contain actions that will help you in each of the ways you are experiencing pressure/stress.