Rape/Sexual Assault Prevention

Sexual Assault is sex or sexual contact which occurs without your consent (Scroll down to read more about consent) or is forced upon you by another person or persons. 

Dispelling some of the Myths

There is help available to anyone dealing with the aftermath of a sexual assault or rape. 

Changing the Conversation about Rape and Sexual Assault

Below is a link to a news story about how some men are changing the perceptions of others about rape and sexual assault, particularly on college campuses.  

The Power Of The Peer Group In Preventing Campus Rape - Taken from "Morning Edition" on NPR.

Listen/read more stories about Rape, Sexual assault, raising awareness and changing the conversation. The following are links to other NPR stories in their latest series on campus sexual assault.

How Campus Sexual Assaults Came To Command New Attention - Taken from "All Things Considered" on NPR. 

Campus Rape Reports Are Up, And Assaults Aren't The Only Reason - Taken from "All Things Considered" on NPR. 

To Fight Campus Rape, Culture Must Change - Taken from NPR.org, Cosmos and Culture.

Enlisting Smartphones In The Campaign For Campus Safety - Taken from NPR Ed at NPR.org.

As Kids Head To Campus, Parents Broach The Subject Of Sexual Assault - Taken from "All Things Considered" on NPR. 

Information about Consent

How to Talk to Boys about Consent - Story that aired on "All Things Considered" on NPR. 

Information below taken from The National Domestic Violence Hotline: http://www.thehotline.org/is-this-abuse/healthy-relationships/

What Is Consent?

Consent allows both partners to express what they do want to experience.

It can be a moment for both partners to openly express to each other what they’re looking for. The saying “yes means yes” can be empowering and useful in thinking about what consent is.

Consent is ongoing.

Both partners should keep giving and looking for consent. Just because you've given consent to an act before, doesn't mean it becomes a “given” every time. This idea also relates to new relationships — just because you've given consent to something in a different relationship doesn't make it “automatic” in a new relationship.

Consent is not a free pass

Saying yes to one act doesn't mean you have to consent to other acts. Each requires its own consent. EX: Saying yes to oral sex doesn't automatically mean you’re saying yes to intercourse.

Your relationship status does not make consent automatic.

If you’re married to someone, friends with someone, or dating someone, it doesn't mean they ‘own’ your consent by default, or that you own theirs. Consent can also be taken back at any time — even if you’re in the midst of something and feeling uncomfortable, you always have the right to stop.

There’s no such thing as IMPLIED consent.

The absence of a “no” does not equal a “yes.” What you or a partner chooses to wear doesn't mean that you or they are inviting unwanted sexual attention or “pre-consenting.” The same can be said for flirting, talking, showing interest or any other actions.

It’s not consent if you’re afraid to say no.

It’s not consent if you’re being manipulated, pressured, or threatened to say yes. It’s also not consent if you or a partner is unable to legitimately give consent, which includes being asleep, unconscious, under the influence of conscious-altering substances or not able to understand what you’re saying yes to.

Non-consent means STOP.

If anyone involved isn't consenting, then what is happening is or could be rape, sexual assault or abuse.