Audio Files

Below you have access to our latest series of guided exercises to help you perform at your best, feel grounded, and sleep more soundly. 

Joshua Lawrence, PhD. helps guide you to enhance your mental performance.  We perform best when we achieve a balance of alert and calm.  Peak performance happens when we are mentally sharp. Use this exercise when you want to be more mentally sharp and able to focus.

Colleen Owens, LCPC helps guide you to obtain a sense of grounding, feeling centered, and being able to focus.  Use this exercise if you are feeling overwhelmed, scattered, having difficulty making decisions or feeling disconnected. 

Colleen Owens, LCPC guides in an exercise to achieve sleep. Listen and perform the actions as described.  You may need to repeat the exercise more than once.  Be patient with yourself and allow your body to settle. Use this exercise if you are having difficulty sleeping or would like to relax more deeply.

Joshua Lawrence, PhD., guides you in an exercise to help increase your comfort when you are in social situations. Use this exercise when you need to improve your skills and ability to redirect attention to areas that are helpful to you when in distressful social or performance situations.

Colleen Owens, LCPC, guides you through a shorter version of her Grounding and Focus exercise. It's best to practice the longer version before this one so you get more practice. Use this exercise when you want to feel calm, focused or if you are feeling overwhelmed or mentally exhausted.

Joshua Lawrence, PhD., guides you in an exercise to achieve a balance of energy and focus. Use this exercise if you want to be mentally sharp and obtain peak, physical performance.