
China Question-Research-Build-Teach

Question -- Research -- Create -- Present

This unit on China is driven by your insightful and intelligent curiosity. Please read and follow the instructions below and be mindful of the dates.

1. Post a few questions on this form(12/17)

2. In class we sort the questions into categories and divide into groups of common interest (12/18)

3. Meet with your group and write 3 or more questions per person (shown below)

4. Create a G-doc, copy your own questions to it, and share it with me and anyone with the link (can view) (1/21)

5. Find information that can be used to understand and answer your questions

6. Post information to your document, including text (yours) and related images (1/21 to 1/28)

7. Decide upon and then create an "artifact" or "thing" that you will use to enhance your presentation (≠doc, ppt, vid, sites, etc)

8. Plan how you will explain your questions and what you learned (1/27-1/30)

9. Teaching sessions begin 1/31 and we'll do whole-class presentations (as needed) for 1st part of the period, then small group for the rest