Coupla Things v27 (3/16/12)

Post date: Mar 17, 2012 9:4:8 AM

Friday, so soon? Aw jeez, just when I was starting to have (even more) fun. At this time of year, when summer is still far off but winter vacation(s) are long gone, there often tends to be a slump in energy and enthusiasm. But for me at least, things are on a thrilling upswing and great moments just keep coming. A few times in most days I just pause and absorb the good feelings and healthy lifestyle that permeates Discovery. If I had to distill this group’s interactions (myself included) down to one word, it would certainly be “family”. Quirky and filled with character, loving and intermittently animus, we are becoming quite a family. One that I’m very happy to be a part of, of course.

Recap of the Week:

English: Early in the week some more descriptive essays trickled in and now the stack of eloquent illustrative creations are going to become my homework for the next few weeks. This assignment had a good mixture of creativity and structure and I'm impressed by what I've read so far. With each of the many writing assignments the kids have had this year, their writing has become stronger, more organized, more expressive, and more effective.

The second round of speaking sessions began this week. The assignment is for the kids to deliver an existing speech that was designed to evoke strong feelings in the audience, and those students who have gone so far have certainly lived up to (or exceeded) the expectations. More amazing things to come, I assume!

The current project is the creation of an InfoGraphic -- a combination of information and graphic assets that are arranged together to make the message clear and engaging. I showed the kids some samples and then set them into production in a set of phases. This is an interesting project form me and one that I hope the kids really enjoy making.


The topics of electricity and magnetism took hold this week. It is easy to make this topic relevant to life and we did so with an analysis of home electricity bills, PG&E's online usage data, and an analysis of various types of light bulbs. At home, you may have noticed the kids looking a little more closely at lighting, heating, various appliances, and maybe your SmartMeter. On Thursday the kids made simple motors and then today (Friday) they took the chapter 18 test. I'll have those scores posted tomorrow.

For the next 5 weeks, the kids have access to a set of great online simulations called "Gizmos" by ExploreLearning. Although manipulatives are always best, these simulations have some great features, connections, and assessments. Check it out if you get a moment.


1. Conferences are set up for the afternoons of April 2 to 5. They are optional, of course, but if you would like to spend some time discussing the accomplishments and challenges of the year, please sign up by clicking here and selecting a spot.

2. The school wide science fair is coming up at the end of the month (March 30), and the kids are working on their display boards. The element fashion show is also coming up soon (March 22) and the shirts that some kids displayed today were great! In my class there are about a dozen kids participating and I think we'll have some great products show up next week.

3. Today the kids made their personal business cards of their future and Barbara will decorate the toolbox with them over the weekend. There are still about 10 missing, so please send yours to me or her and it will get printed and added to the box.

I'm sure that I forgot about something, so reply and let me know what it is (or chat about anything else).
