Coupla Things v30 (4/6/2012)

Post date: Apr 07, 2012 4:27:28 AM

Good Evening and Happy Friday.

Thirty weekly email newsletters ago I began to communicate to you the depth of the appreciation I felt being a part of DCS and having the honor of working with the great kids, families, and teachers of the 8th grade. As this year winds down I still feel that same gratitude, and often to an even higher degree. This past week provided yet another great boost in energy and enthusiasm for me. With the Civil War battle simulation, trip to the DeAnza planetarium, my partial absence on Thursday, and staff-development day on Friday, we had quite a compressed schedule -- but I think that we accomplished a great deal.


All of the 24 conferences were invigorating and productive as parents, students, and I all discussed the accomplishments so far and the adventurous challenges of the coming first year of high school. Clear communication, candor, and common goals were the ingredients of some great sessions and, as always, I appreciate being able to be a part of your student's growth.


Only two noteworthy events come to mind for this week. First, during out first autobiography book-club session it was time to "talk stories". Each person in the group got to relate some sort of impromptu story about some impactive or memorable event in their life. Lots of laughter and volume in the room -- a sure sign of engagement and enthusiasm, at least for some groups (others had some quiet kids)!

The second activity that was quite engaging was provided by this week's Time Magazine article's discussion of the MPAA's rating of the movies The Hunger Games and Bully. Your student might be able to explain the details and their own perspective, but it certainly was a thought-provoking article and subsequent writing assignment.

Over vacation I'll be catching up on some of the ungraded assignments including the descriptive essays, the supplemental chapter synopses, and the infographics.


I'm embarrassed to report that, other than the reading, brief discussion of, and test on chapter 20 on the nature of waves, nothing much progressed in our science curriculum. Although the technical difficulties at the planetarium lessened our overall experience there, I think that some of the kids learned some new things about our universe and the characteristics of black holes. After break we'll be able to have some good lessons on senses, sound, light, and many characteristics of the electromagnetic spectrum.


I've been a teacher for 24 years and an unengaged attendee at countless staff meetings. During my time at DCS, however, I have never been at a staff meeting or development activity that wasn't educational, invigorating, and extremely engaging. Today was no exception, and I just want to tip my hat to Dale Jones for creating an atmosphere that encourages all of us teachers to do our best work, to always continue to learn, and to stay at the crest of the wave of effective educational practices. Bravo, DJ!

Tomorrow I'm off to an educational conference called ShiftEd -- optimistic for innovative and immediately-applicable ideas. After that, I'm headed to Ashland (thx to C.O.) to visit my dad and help with some construction projects.

Have a great week together and keep in touch.