Code Convention

Computer code is being seen more and more as a useful skill for anyone, as well as a great way to enhance logic, creativity, and marketability. This "Code Convention" class will, true to its name, provide and time and place for people to share their skills, enthusiasm, and interests. Kids will learn some basic coding in whole-group activities, but much of the time they will work individually or in small groups to co-teach each other and explore areas of personal interest in more depth.

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Lets use the following three websites for tutorials and projects. Each will have a different location in the room. You can go to the place you want as well as utilize whatever lessons you want. Spend some of your time during each class session discussing this stuff with other people and sharing your projects.


khan academy

Day Last (6/6/14)

1. Intro to drawing in javascript (with everyone @ same time)

Day 7: (4/25/14)

1. Earning and spending $1000

2. Javascript Tutorials (entry level)

3. Animate Your Name

Day 6: (4/4/14)

1. Codecademy Labs

2. Updates & Demo's from Naya and Kent

3. Work time!

Day 5: (3/28/14)

1. Suds Jain's overview of code and its applications

2. Santiago

3. Getting our group together: go to and use code = SEPRND & progress as you like

4. Naya & Kent: show what you've been learning/doing

Day 4 (3/14/14)

1. Mr. Vevea covering class today while I'm at movie with GPS class

2. HTML tutorial video from hyperlinks (32:48) to the end

Day 3 (3/7/14)

1. Notepad to write code, browser to see it

2. HTML tutorial (video and me). 0:00 to 32:48

Day 2 (2/28/14)

1. Survey (again) to see who has done what on the site

2. Groups for today:

-doing the first hour ( -- Helen

-doing the "beyond the hour" tutorials (

-html basics ( -- Chris


-java -- Suds


Day 1 (2/14/14):

1. Intro to Us & Why Here: name, why did you choose this class, what do you expect the process and product

2. Structure of the Class: a code convention... defining both words

3. "Promo" video

4. Base ten, base five, base two

5. Binary basics, using cards (video)

6. Homework: If you haven't done it yet, do The Hour of Code (link).

Useful Websites:




  4. scratch

Class Lists:

S2 13-14

Theodora 22

Colin 22

Tristan H 27

Logan 26

Chase 19

Prerna 25

Theodor 25

Elliot 26

Gleb 26

Liam 25

Naya 25

Dakota 26

Jacob 26

Devan 25

Tom 26