

1. Energy vs. temperature graph

2. Making a BETTER calorimeter to measure (roughly) the energy stored in a peanut (lab)

3.List of sections in unit 4 and 5, with iconic impression and initial level of knowledge & interest

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Envelopes in


1. Common English Errors round 2

-browse a few, choose 1, learn it, write/draw summary, teach it to 5, turn it in

2. Vocabulary: 4 words from the 1000 list into comp book

-write the word, then 2 sentences. See if people can get meaning w/o hints

-then write the meaning

3. skip -- Inspirational or Evocative Speaking... finding a speech (assignment)

4. Grammar quizzes: Capitalization & Punctuation and Grammar Review

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Message from Mr. Jones about S.A.F.


1. Book groups.

A. Book availability discussion and draft a reading schedule.

B. Preview the book... setting, characters, plot, themes, purpose

C. "Thank You M'am": Turn one answer into a great paragraph answer

-1, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5(all), 6b

-write it, read it (to group), then improve it based on suggestions


1. Review conduction, convection, and radiation rap video and another

2. Energy vs. temperature graph of the phase change of water (pg 289)

3. Making a calorimeter to measure (roughly) the energy stored in a peanut (pg 291) lab

Monday, January 24, 2011


1. New seats by numbers and coin toss

2. Lunch and attendance


1. Write about a goal you have for second semester

2. Book groups. Try to get a book by tomorrow.

3. "Thank You M'am" short story and questions (=[A])... due Tuesday after Core


1. Heat sensation vs. temperature & burning a balloon

2. Convection, conduction, and radiation

3. Bill on Heat with 5 point quiz OR chapter 10 vocabulary worksheet (you choose)

4. List of sections in remaining chapters, with iconic impression and initial level of knowledge & interest

Friday, January 21, 2011


1. Envelopes

2. School assembly 8:40 - 9:30


1. Reading for 15 minutes

2. Summaries and sample readings from some Steinbeck books

3. Choosing groups. Get a book this weekend.


1. Two quick experiments: Does a fan cool? and Heat sensation vs. temperature

2. Science World, 1/24/2011: Science News questions, and Extreme Labs Challenge Board

3. List of sections in remaining chapters, with iconic impression

Thursday, January 20, 2011


1. Envelopes

2. High School freshman orientation video


1. John Steinbeck and his books... research and then add something to your class' document (Heumann and Stuart)

2. Thanks for doing the work on "1000 words"... lets hear some conversations

3. Common English Errors test of effectiveness: Lets see what your people remember (1 point for each of you)


1. Finish NOVA video on Cold and Heat, then 5 more questions

2. Two quick experiments: Does a fan cool? and Heat sensation vs. temperature

3. Still, browse 272 - 307 and then come up with questions. Enter them here.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


1. Ok, no more xc or make up work will go into Fall Semester grading period

2. Any thoughts... what aspects of AoS do you want to keep with you/us?


1. What do you know about John Steinbeck and his writings?

2. Tomorrow, bring in any of his books that you can find... you'll start choosing

3. Vocabulary: 1000 words to know for high school

A. I've shared a g-doc called "1000 words" with heumann.org members

B. Get a page a computer. Enter the definitions and the sentences exactly

C. Choose partners then create a conversation between you (to show us) that uses one word per person per sentence


1. NOVA video on Cold and Heat (32 minutes or more if you are into it)

2. Again, browse 272 - 307 and then come up with questions. Enter them here.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


1. Age of Sail video is on YouTube (unlisted and temporary)

2. Think about what aspects of AoS experience, if any, you'd like to incorporate into classroom life.

3. Missing "Gift I Gave" essays and BookClub projects


1. Get into book groups and get one full sheet and 2 half sheets of blank paper

2. Format the papers as shown... neatly please (see diagram)

3. Split group into 2 subgroups, one taking each half of the table (see diagram)

4. Author present and explain one project while 2 people write "Effective Strengths" and "Specific Improvements"

5. Rotate author until everyone has done one (if possible) then do a second round

6. Next books... common author, John Steinbeck. Find out about him and his books during core today


1. Passback tests (and other things)

2. Chapter 10: Heat. Preview 272 - 307 and then come up with two questions. Enter them here.

3. Add more content (explanations in your own words) to your machines pages

Friday, January 14, 2011

Heumannoids: Return from Age of Sail, gather gear, go home.

StuCrew: Finish projects and fill out form (once per project)

Thursday, January 13, 2011


1. attendance

2. luggage into room 22, lunch with you

3. large trash bag

4. try to give in to the experience rather than fight or avoid it


1. How to turn in your book projects... use THIS FORM

2. Optional quickwrite: "A Natural Change" or "An Exhilarating Experience"


1. Test: 30 publisher questions @ 2:1 (15 points) and 20 group questions @ 4:1 (5 points)

2. The science of sailboats (storm sailing video) and (big fast boat video)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


1. lunch and attendance

2. a better impression of sailing (F1 video)


1. Writing: "A Natural Change" or "An Exhilarating Experience" and circle the key (great!) vocab-ish words

2. Finish at least one of your book projects today

3. Turning them in... how to do it (for each type), how to keep track, and what should I do with them next?


1. Creating questions:

A. gather as sections

B. each person write 2 m.c. questions

C. consolidate to a best 5

D. type them into this form

2. Go through test stems together and predict possible right answers

3. Next steps on the Machines page... two-column table with a description and a picture


1. lunch and attendance


1. Group meetings (do the following for varying durations):

A. discuss book(s)

B. present & discuss Book Projects (see samples)

C. finish vocab spreadsheets

D. discuss and document a list of the best ways to learn and use great vocab words

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Science: Each-One-Teach-One for chapter 9 w/ parent facilitation

1. Each person learn their section well

2. Write notes & diagrams for your section

3. Teach the other 3 people your topic... explain, draw, quiz, etc

4. Sample question stems

Monday, January 10, 2011


1. lunch and attendance

2. seating chart

3. student council report

4. getting focused and productive w/o getting stressed


1. Freewrite... choose one, write half page (or more), show me when done

2. Do your Book Projects

Science: Each-One-Teach-One for chapter 9

1. Each person choose a section and learn it well

2. Write notes & diagrams for your section

3. Teach the other 3 people your topic... explain, draw, quiz, etc

Friday, January 7, 2011


1. lunch and attendance

2. seating chart every 2 weeks

3. lice check @ 8:20


1. Reading 15 minutes

2. Freewrite... choose one, write half page (or more), show/share with me when done

3. Gift I Gave essay (due today) then do your Book Projects


1. Review yesterday's video

2. Mr. Jain 9:30-10:00

3. Finish [29]

Thursday, January 6, 2011


1. lunch and attendance

2. website fix-ups list (write it)


1. Common errors: find one, learn it, write it, teach it to 5 others (names), turn it in

2. Check out some of the "daily edit" pages and recommend one (write number on the board)

3. Gift I Gave essay and/or your Book Projects


1. Second wave of tests

2. How to change minds (xc assignment)

3. Engineering the Golden Age of Green

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


1. lunch and attendance


1. Use Kevin's 102 Words quizlet set for this week's vocabulary selection (word, def, sentence)

2. Gift I Gave essay and/or your Book Projects


1. View the Energy Audit spreadsheet

2. An analogy for amps and volts using the water hose

3. Read 8-1 then do the challenges in pairs (only!!!)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


1. lunch and attendance

2. remember, no more extension or xc after 1/10/2011


1. Essays, grade sheets, and CD's out for those who turned in essay on time

2. Book Groups:

A. Discussions about book plot, theme, characters, conflict, resolution, etc

B. Status and plans for the collaborative vocabulary spreadsheet

C. Review and discuss individual choices (and reasons for) options for book assignments.

(One numbered assignment and one lettered assignment due by next Friday)

3. Gift I Gave... 4 paragraph essay: prewrite in comp book then finish it by Friday


1. Who has a SmartMeter on your breakerbox?

2. Bill Nye on Energy and worksheet

3. How to use a Kill-A-Watt meter

4. Do an energy audit of as much of your house as possible... enter data here

Monday, January 3, 2011


1. lunch and attendance

2. no more extension or xc after 1/10/2011

3. Anyone have any Wii stuff that we can use on rainy days (I have the console only)


1. Options for book assignments... write a list. One numbered assignment and one lettered assignment due by next Friday

2. Gift I Gave... 4 paragraph essay: prewrite in comp book then finish it by Friday

3. Book vocab spreadsheets (if you have time/need)


1. Return chapter 8 tests

2. Next unit is on energy

3. PG & E "Smart Meters"... my account details. See if you have one at your house

4. Science Worlds: read both of the red ones, then any 2 of the blue ones

Friday, December 17, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. thank you for treating me, this place, our time, and each other with such value


1. Final three or four people

2. Gift exchange


1. Test

Thursday, December 16, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. Remember to get something for the gift exchange on Friday (if you want to)

3. How/why to forward heumann.org email to another address


1. Three or four people @ 3 minutes each

2. Make a to-do card and write the following things:

1. Collaborative story: name ___, public ___, finished ___

2. Check or finish the TV or the MLK essay analysis (complete sentences) ___

3. Ten or more vocab words from my current book onto spreadsheet ___

4. Make 8+ vocabulary flash cards using Quizlet ___

5. Share site with chrisheumann@gmail.com (viewer)

6. Make sure your site has a games page & collab story embedded into writing page


1. Digest 8-2 and 8-3 by doing notes and/or worksheets (ok to use notes on the test)

2. Show me your machines page and its contents so far

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. yes, science test is Friday

3. fix website issues, then add your name & note to the CamMom letter

4. Remove me as an editor/viewer on your HungerGames essays

5. Who would be in for a gift exchange on Friday?


1. Three or four people @ 3 minutes each

2. Next steps on your creative collaborative story:

-finish it, even w/o class time, due Friday

-name it "Collaborative Story (name, name, name, name)" <-- exactly like that

-make the document "public on the web"

3. Points from last 4 vocabs: 2 per page (4 good words, date, definition) and TOC

4. Vocabulary words from today: find 4 words from other person in your book group

5. Finish the TV or the American Dream essay analysis if you need to

6. Continue (finish?) vocab words from your current book (S.o.G. can use both books)


1.Kids' Discover on Simple Machines scores (=[28]?)... one point per 2 correct, rounded up

-to get more points, create a m.c. question (with page # and answers) on this form

-you can view the spreadsheet of questions here

2. Pipe and rope demo

3. Digest 8-2 and 8-3 by doing notes and/or worksheets (ok to use notes on the test)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. yes, science test is Friday


1. Three people @ 3 minutes each

2. Continue your creative collaborative story, even w/o class time

3. Book club meetings

4. If extra time, work on your book vocabulary spreadsheets


1.Kids' Discover on Simple Machines

2. The "Machine" project: Create or continue "Machine" page with title, picture, and list of links

3. Notes on 8-2 and 8-3

Monday, December 13, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. please be good with books on loan, computers, laptops, chairs, etc

3. invite me as a viewer to your website (list of who has)

4. science test on chapter 8 on Friday

5. how/why to add a calendar page to your site


1. Reading for 15-20 minutes

2. Three people @ 3 minutes each

3. Creating a creative collaborative story... last day to work on it during class

4. Write the 4 roles after the title (storyteller, dialog, details, mechanics)

5. Post on all of your websites on "writing" page

6. If extra time, work on your book vocabulary spreadsheets


1. Passbacks, how graded, and who is missing it. How to do a redo

2. List of machine types for the The "Machine" project

categories: kitchen, toolbox, toy/sports box, garage, other

3. Create "Machine" page with title, picture, and list of links

4. Kids' Discover on Simple Machines... crossword puzzle in pairs

5. If extra time, notes on 8-2 and 8-3

Friday, December 10, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. Class operations discussion


1. Three people @ 3 minutes each

2. Creating a collaborative story

Write setting, plot, and storyline

4 roles: storyteller, dialog, details, mechanics

Create story and post on all of your websites on "writing" page


1. Finish worksheet (mathish) on work and power (=[26]) if you didn't yesterday

2. Outside activities: balance beam and crowbar

3. List of machine types for the The "Machine" project

categories: kitchen, toolbox, toy/sports box, garage, other

4. Create "Machine" page with title, picture, and list of links

Social Studies

1. West Wing episode: Shadow of Two Gunmen (characters, context, and connection to this unit)

Thursday, December 9, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. I'm hypersensitive to undeserved indignation

3. People's amazing feats

4. HR 25... come here for Social Science today and tomorrow


1. Three people @ 3 minutes each

2. Did anyone finish The Christmas Song Title challenge?

3. Creating a creative collaborative story

Groups of 4... my (random) configurations

Agree upon setting, plot, and storyline

4 roles: storyteller, dialog, details, mechanics

Create story and post on all of your websites on "writing" page


1. Worksheet (mathish) on work and power (=[26])

-for help, go to notes, book, neighbors, me (in that order)


2. Inside activities: lever and a brick

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. November-December birthday party here @ lunch


1. First three people @ 3 minutes each

2. Instructions are updated on the speaking page

3. Play "dictionary" and get 4 vocab words from it

4. The Christmas Song Title challenge


1. Do notes on chapter 8 (I'll do them on camera too)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. any more HG books and/or essays?

3. invite chrisheumann@gmail.com as viewer of your site


1. Turn in HG essay (final, draft, organizer) if you haven't yet (= 80%)

2. Instructions are updated on the speaking page

3. Book group meetings


1. Vacuum pump experiments and explanations

2. Demos and discussion of 8-1

3. Think of machine types for the The "Machine" project

Monday, December 6, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. questions for the high school panel (2-3 on 3x5 card)


1. Turn in comp book if I don't have it

2. 15 minutes of reading

3. Turn in HG essay (final, draft, organizer) if you didn't on Friday (= 90%)

4. Watch TED video of student speaker

5. Find and practice something to read to a group (3 per day starting Wednesday... sign up on the door board)

6. StuCrew: finish Black Stallion


1. More time for essays if you need it

2. The "Machine" project

Friday, December 3, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. Mrs. Beach today


1. 15 minutes of reading (sci book is ok)

2. Turn in HG essay (final, draft, organizer) in order shown on the board

3. Website work: add HG page and essay if you haven't already

4. Free-write, preferably prose

5. StuCrew ok to watch (finish?) Black Stallion


1. Chapter 7 test has 3 parts, each on a separate sheet: m.c., f.i.b., s.a.

2 Do them in that order... more time on Monday for essays if you need it

Thursday, December 2, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. science test tomorrow

3. missing work list and adjustments


Read and Analyze a Persuasive Essay

1. Choose MacNeil on TV or ML King on American Dream

2. Read the essay

3. Answer the 5 questions and their sub questions using complete sentences...

4. In your comp book as the next entry in the "writing assignmetns" section

5. Due at the end of the period... turn in your comp book as you leave the room


Chapter 7 publisher's test tomorrow

1. Notes on 7-1, 7-2, and 7-3

2. Section reviews

3. Chapter review

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. science test Friday


1. Get 4 vocabulary words from www.beta.freerice.com

2. Read your opening paragraph to us and we "write the tripod"

3. Essay work time... remember, each sentence should belong exactly where it is placed


1. Chapter 7 publisher's questions using CPS 'clickers'

2. Fluid pressure 'puzzles'

3. Notes on 7-2 and 7-3

4. Who can bring a bike pump tomorrow?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. science test Thursday or Friday


1. Review the structure of a 5 paragraph essay

2. Get into book club groups and...

1. introductions if necessary

2. edit with parent OR pair up and peer edit OR finish first draft

3. preview and discuss your new book then do some interactive reading (post-its)

4. write a possible reading pace (schedule)... as group then as class


1. Review Bernoulli demonstrations and re-explain why things fly

2. Assignment Discovery on Flight

3. Making paper airplanes

Monday, November 29, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. passback [Q] & [S], grades for [R] are on PowerSchool

3. ScienceWorld and Scope magazine contributors

4. The book exchange spreadsheet


1. Visual structure of a 5 paragraph essay

2. Example (on Africa)

3. Time to write & revise 2 @ 7 quiet & 3 chatty

4. Tomorrow: peer edit HG & preview your new book


1. Three quick Bernoulli demonstrations

2. Digest 7-2 (Buoyancy) and 7-3 (Flight)

- notes, section reviews, discussion

-use the Prentice Hall books (432 - 436) for Pascal & hydraulics

3. Best-of-the-Web on Buoyancy & Flight (in pairs)

-find a great site that explains either concept, visuals & motion is best

-make sure no one has already entered that one (view the spreadsheet)

-add it using this form

-you'll show and explain it tomorrow during class

Friday, November 19, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. Literal Trailers (Hallows & Twilight)


1. Top 10 books on display... read synopsis and few paragraphs

2. Write your top 3 choices on my papers

3. HG Essay: the form, the results, and my input are on the "Games" page

4. Let us copy your planning document & you keep original

5. Work on rough draft Monday or Tuesday (or whenever)

6. Five ways to say "it was raining" (next page of "assignments" section)

7. Reading non-fiction OR a freewrite session.


1. Passbacks and put into folders

2. Do notes for 7-2 (if you haven't already) and 7-3

3. Go online and learn more about why things fly, hydrolics, Bernoulli principal, Pascal's principal

4. Video on "Flight" if we have time.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. iPod showed up... yay universe

3. Passbacks and put into folders


1. HG vocabulary g-doc needs more work from a few of you (see list)

2. The results of the GoogleModerator

HeuKids use this link and StuCrew use this other link

Top 10 books on display... read synopsis and few paragraphs

Write your top 3 choices on my paper

3. Turn in your vocabulary task for this week if you didn't yesterday

4. The writing assignment for HG... planning document


1. How did your design-a-device go over?

2. Make a boat out of either a 10cm x 20 cm piece of foil OR a 'stick' of clay

3. Test how many pennies you can have float

4. Rebuild and retest

5. Bill on Buoyancy

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. missing iPod?


1. HG vocabulary g-doc should be done by now

2. The results (so far) of the GoogleModerator

HeuKids use this link and StuCrew use this other link

Three more book promos from Mrs. Leftwich

Top 10 books... bring them tomorrow (I'll email a reminder tonight).

3. Vocabulary task for this week is to write sentences (on paper) for 10 of your words... two sentences per word

4. The writing assignment for HG... planning document


1. Turn in your diagram of air & water pressure... add my boxes

2. What are your three things... a floater, a sinker, and a guesser

3. Test your objects... how to quantify that?

4. Design a device that could measure the force needed to submerge a floater then ask someone:

1. What does this (thing in my diagram do? (answer, if they can't "It measures something")

2. What does it measure? (answer, if they can't "it measures the forces to submerge something"

3. How does it work? (answer, if they can't with your explanation)

5. Bring 50 or more pennies to class tomorrow

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. Anyone else to help fill the 10 shifts of 3 people each?


1. Turn in HG Facebook if you didn't yesterday

2. HG vocabulary g-doc should be done by the end of today

3. Not all of your sites have the BTT components done correctly (see pink column)

4. Show your reading group you list of 3 books to suggest to the group.

5. Enter one as a "suggestion" using GoogleModerator

HeuKids use this link and StuCrew use this other link

6. Reading groups and discussion. Possible topics for discussion are here


1. Continue your 11x17 diagram of air & water pressure as a result of particle density & gravity pull

2. View the sites of my "Track" on pressure and answer the questions

3. Rubber pad pull-up

4. For tomorrow, bring in three things... a floater, a sinker, and a guesser

5. Notes for 7-2

Monday, November 15, 2010


1. lunch and attendance and envelopes

2. we cover recycling station at lunch this week. 10 shifts of 3 people each (?)


1. Read 15 minutes

2. Turn in HG Facebook

3. Write a list of 3 books to summarize and suggest to the group on Wednesday

4. Black Stallion -- to end for rm 25, to training for rm 26

5. HG vocabulary g-doc. If done, find more good words for xc (yours).


1. Continue your 11x17 diagram of air & water pressure as a result of particle density & gravity pull

2. View the sites of my "Track" on pressure and answer the questions

-where to find the link, how a track works, and where to write the answers.

-due tomorrow at the end of science time

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


1. lunch and attendance


1. Vocabulary: Four words from dictionary, or Calvin, or HungerGames

2. Black Stallion -- rescue to race-prep

3. Worktime on HG words and/or HG Facebook


1. Post a write-up of the experiment on a new "Forces" page under science

2. Read 7-1

3. Start an 11x17 diagram of air & water pressure as a result of particle density & gravity pull

4. Bill on Pressure

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. trash problem


1. Quiz (for prizes, not points) on HG part 2, using clickers

2. Show each other your Facebook page for a character ( = [Q]) so far

3. Group discussion questions from students and/or parents and/or the printout (30 minutes)

4. Have parent access the vocabulary list for Hunger Games chpt 1 - 18 g-doc

5. If extra time, continue on vocabulary list


1. Finish the test if you want to add more to your back page part

2. Finish force vs. friction experiments, your chart, summary, analysis

3. Post a write-up of the experiment on a new "Forces" page under science

4. Read 7-1

5. Make an 11x17 diagram of air & water pressure as a result of particle density & grav pull

6. Find online info and then add some things that are not shown in the book's diagram

7. Bill on Pressure if we have time.

Monday, November 8, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. make up work (for people who were absent last week) during reading time today


1. Reading (15 minutes)

2. Turn in your Proposition Paper if you haven't already

3. Get tests back and discuss symbolism

4. Facebook page for a character ( = [Q])

5. Vocabulary list for Hunger Games chpt 1 - 18

I made a spreadsheet, shared it with one per group, they will invite others and parent.

Divide up the work and fill it in on your own by Thursday night.


1. Multiple choice part of the test looks great (as it should)

2. Finish the page of your stuff for 5 points

3. Friction vs. inertia: pull various objects on various surfaces in various ways using spring scales,

trying hard to capture and quantify the results

4. Make chart and write a summary and conclusion (not a play-by-play).

Friday, November 5, 2010


1. lunch and attendance & envelopes

2. how have we been?


1. Non fiction Friday (15 minutes)

2. Progress on your OnePagePropositionPositionPaper

3. Start "The Black Stallion" if we have time... good example of few-word storytelling


1. Any last-minute questions before the test

2. The test is 30 m.c. @ .5 points each, and a page of your stuff for 5 points

3. Friction vs. inertia: pull various objects on various surfaces in various ways using spring scales

Thursday, November 4, 2010


1. lunch and attendance & envelopes


1. Print OnePagePropositionPositionPaper, get edits, make changes, keep draft

2. Turn in draft and final copy, double spaced, by the end of today (HeuKids) or tomorrow (StuCrew)

3. Start "The Black Stallion" if we have time... good example of few-word storytelling


1. Chapter review using the publisher's questions and the clickers

2. Make a few multiple choice questions for the test and enter them here. View them here.

3. Friction vs. inertia: pull various objects on various surfaces in various ways using spring scales

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


1. lunch and attendance & envelopes


1. Quiz on part 1 of Hunger Games

2. Vocabulary words for this week from http://beta.freerice.com/

3. Make progress on your OnePagePropositionPositionPaper, regardless of election results


1. "Digest" 6-2 and and 6-3 using the same process as 6-1: notes, worksheet, experiments, section/chapter reviews

2. Make a few multiple choice questions for the test and enter them here. View them here.

3. Friction vs. inertia: pull various objects on various surfaces in various ways using a spring scale

4. Turn in [2] (coin and cup experiments)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. timeline for OnePagePropositionPositionPaper


1. Get into book groups & discuss group norms and expectations

2. Review the events of chapters 1-9 (parents have tomorrow's quiz)

3. Use printed questions as a springboard/possibilities for discussion


1. Discuss the Silly Putty/Gak/Goo from yesterday... liquid and/or solid? changes since yesterday? questions about the chemistry

2. Review 6-2 and and 6-3 and then finish the video and watch one and/or another one more

3. Card, Coin, and Cup activity (in pairs), using 4 coins and documenting hypothesis, observations, analysis

4. Get into groups of 4, draft a parent, and teach them as much of chapter 6 as you can

Monday, November 1, 2010


1. lunch and attendance


1. You need to have part 1 (chapters 1-9) read by tomorrow at this time

2. Proposition Position Paper (this page has the instructions)

1. Go to www.ballotopedia.com and browse propositions 19-27

2. Choose one, read summaries of both sides, then choose one side

3. Write a "Position Paper" in which you say which way you would vote, why, and how strongly you feel about it.

4. Ok to pair up and do a g-doc ONLY if partners are in opposition

5. Maybe do some exit-polling (and discussion) tomorrow afternoon/evening


1. Section 6-1 on Gravity and Motion

2. Complete any two of the following 3 things (and keep them):

-Your personal or paired notes

-Q and A session: write questions then pass them around... each person keeps one

-Do the worksheet

3. Preview 6-2 and and 6-3 then propose an activity that could demonstrate a concept

4. Making Silly Putty/Gak/Goo: Off topic but in season

Friday, October 29, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. weekly check-in

3. go to room 26 for social studies P4 today

4. costume parade at 8:40

Movie Day

1. choose from what is available

2. snacks shared by whoever brought them

Thursday, October 28, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. hearing test in the RV out back, then off to the...

Revolutionary War Simulation in room 22, all morning

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. To whom do I owe homework passes, and how many?

3. Come back here P4 today


1. Pixton account overview video

2. Get code, go to activation page, create your account

3. Create your first comic... process over product

4. Make a comic depicting something from a book you've read

5. Post that comic to the class gallery


1. Section 6-1 on Gravity and Motion

2. Complete any two of the following 3 things (and keep them):

-Your personal or paired notes

-Q and A session: write questions then pass them around... each person keeps one

-Do the worksheet

3. Play/do each of these things below:

- Projectile Motion onto Target

- Compound Motion by Galileo

- Chalkboard Quiz

4. Preview 6-2 and propose an activity that could demonstrate a concept

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. To whom do I owe homework passes, and how many?


1. Intro to The Hunger Games (ppt)

2. Chapter 1 quiz... first by yourself (pen), then as a group (pencil)

3. Discuss chapter 2

4. How (and why) to keep in touch during the week

-via parent's student, or via g-doc, or via Shelfari, or other


1. Section 6-1 on Gravity and Motion

2. Review what 'digestion' means and how to do it, then do any two of the following 3 things:

3. Your personal or paired notes

4. Q and A session: write questions then pass them around... each person keeps one

5. Do the worksheet [20] individually, then create one table copy with the best answers

Monday, October 25, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. any more BTT books?

3. To whom do I owe homework passes, and how many?


1. 20 minutes of reading (HG 1&2 due tomorrow)

2. Intro to The Hunger Games (ppt)

3. Interviews with the author and questions to complete

4. Two things for quarter conferences (signed up or not)

1. Two assignment reflections (one of your best work, and one of something less than that)

2. One major accomplishment for Q1, two goals for Q2, and the three roles of the P-T-C triad


1. Discuss the rest of the centripetal force activity questions

2. Get your number science book and preview 6-1 with me

3. Experiment with dropping ping-pong ball and golf ball at the same time.

4. Section 6-1 on Gravity and Motion (notes, discussion, tests, etc)

Friday, October 22, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. any more BTT books?


1. non-fiction reading 15 minutes

2. organize English assignments into a folder

3. Finish online activities from yesterday, make sheet, get initials

4. Get comp book checked if you're name is on the board

5. Intro to The Hunger Games (ppt)

6. Books out and read chapters 1 and 2 by Tuesday


1. Organize science assignments into a folder

2. Discuss the results of yesterday's centripetal force activity

3. Bill on "Spinning Things"

4. Create data charts to be filled in during your experiment

Thursday, October 21, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. sorry that I was out yesterday... thanks for being good (I assume)

3. bring non-fiction reading for tomorrow

4. bring 'my' BBT books here


1. Comp book check for vocab 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/21, and TOC

2. Read Calvin & Hobbes and get 4 words and definitions into your next vocab page

3. Pair up and complete each of the following four online activities (keep that tabs open, then document/show me the results)

  1. http://www.quia.com/quiz/1314532.html (5 literary elements)

  2. http://www.quia.com/rr/136985.html (play as high as you dare then stop)

  3. http://www.vocabulary.co.il/idioms/idioms-game-slang-game/ (idioms & slang)

  4. http://www.vocabulary.co.il/word-play/match-and-make-oxymorons/ (oxymorons)


1. Make a centripetal force device

2. Experiment and document four things (some >1):

1. I notice that there is a relationship between ___ and ____.

2. When I ____, the result is _____.

3. I tested the effect of ____ on ____.

4. This activity makes me wonder ____.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


1. Mr. Heumann is out today, Mrs. Miller is here

2. Lunch and attendance

Language arts:

1. Read "Brer Possum's Dilemma" or "Why Leaves Turn Color in the Fall."and discussed plot, conflict, resolution & author's purpose

2. Mrs. Miller reads "The Lottery"


Three motion probes discussed at their tables & filled in the sheets.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


1. lunch and attendance


1. Get into reading groups

2. Quick discussion of the events of the final four chapters (Perfect Day, NO, Stranded, Bridge)

3. Student essay topics, readings, and group feedback/discussion

4. Discuss any/all of the following 3 questions (or other)

    1. How would you describe this book to a kid vs. how would you describe it to an adult?

    2. What do you do or think about that is important to you but you share only with people you trust, similar to Jess' drawing and Leslie's imagination

    3. Which should someone do first... the book or the movie, and why


1. Finish the test if you didn't yesterday.

2. Get a Sci World binder, go to the blue post-it, and find article on data collection/display and read it

3. What data are you collecting and how are you displaying it? (1 minute meeting)

4. Speed-Distance-Time math sheet for XC (pts = 1/n)

5. Extension activities/videos:

Monday, October 18, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. Yearbook cover group to meet here after school

3. Conference schedule calendar through Supersaas (requires temporary sign in)


1. Reading, 20 minutes (always have a book with you)

2. Work on your "Final Chapters" essay

3. Print and then have 5 minute meeting about it with me or someone else. Use editing process and repeat as needed

4. Essay should be great by tomorrow during reading groups


1. Return the book if you borrowed one for the weekend

2. Any questions as last-minute review?

3. It is ok to use YOUR notes on the test

4. Do all 40 m.c., then get part 2... do all of front and any two SA's on the back

5. If time, get a Sci World binder, go to the blue post-it, and find article on data collection/display

Friday, October 15, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. Our weekly "how are things going" discussion


1. Non-fiction reading, 20 minutes (bring more stuff in from now on)

2. Work on your "Final Chapters" essay, Ideas in your comp book, then do rough draft onto your BTT page

3. Print and then have 5 minute meeting about it with me or someone else. Repeat as needed

4. Essay should be great by Tuesday during reading groups

5. Song lyrics (and embed or link) on your AboutMe page


1. Turn in Lab Safety sheet if you didn't yesterday

2. Check out a book from me for the weekend (only) if you want to

3. Continue notes... add 5-3 and 5-4 (ok to use YOUR notes on the end-of-chapter test, Monday)

4. Since I'm using the publisher's test, its good to use the end-of-chapter review materails

5. Bill on Friction

Thursday, October 14, 2010


1. lunch and attendance


1. If you didn't yesterday, write a proposal for your "Final Chapters" topic and enter onto this form

2. You can look at the bottom of the BTT page to see others' ideas

3. Take this quiz and then this one too (just you)

4. Finish reading if you need to, OR start your "Final Chapters" essay in your comp book

5. Read to someone, get general suggestions for improvement, then write rough draft onto your BTT page


1. Finish [16] (worksheet I gave you yesterday)

2. Continue notes... add 5-3 and 5-4 (ok to use YOUR notes on the end-of-chapter test, Monday)

3. Bill on Friction (if there is time & demand)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. Yearbook cover design session here on the 18th @ 3:15 (oops)


1. 20 minutes of reading (BTT to end today?!)

2. Turn in double letter word sheet after you add 3 words to your next vocabulary page

3. Write a good strong proposal for your "Final Chapters" topic and enter onto this form

4. Add lyrics from song that means a lot to you to your AboutMe page


1. Turn in all 3 pages of graphs if you didn't on Monday (=[15])

2. Experiment status and next steps (in 4 groups of 8)

3. Enter top 3 of your exhibit write-ups onto this form and view all the responses

4. Video and two sided review worksheet on motion.

5. Continue notes... add 5-3 (ok to use YOUR notes on the end-of-chapter test, Monday)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Field trip to The Exploratorium

Monday, October 11, 2010


1. lunch and attendance

2. Yearbook cover design session here @ 3:15


1. 20 minutes of reading (BTT 11 to end by Wednesday)

2. Double letter word sheet (now if you pass website check, or after if you don't)

3. Web page fix up (see your row on this spreadsheet)

4. Add lyrics from a song to your AboutMe page


1. Turn in all 3 pages of graphs by the end of today (=[15])

2. Experiment status and next steps

3. Bill on Motion

Friday, October 8, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Class feedback session: what to change, keep, and why


1. 15 minutes of non-fiction

2. Two segments from DVD... The Themes of BTT, and The Making of BTT

3. Web page check up:

  1. Pages exist and in order on the navigation bar?

  2. Terabithia page as sub page of reading (and in nav bar)

  3. Reader profile

  4. BTT 1-6, BTT 7, and BTT 10 on the Terabithia page

  5. Science page with experiment question, materials, procedure


1. Vector definition and team activity

2. Add interval times (chart and graph) to 1st graph

3. Finish line graph on computer

4. Turn in all 3 pages of graphs by the end of today (=[15])

Thursday, October 7, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Class rocking chair quotes form and results


1. Do a word game and document the results neatly

2. BTT 10 (still): Follow the instructions at the bottom of the BTT page

3. My critique of what was done (or not done) yesterday... my expectations are higher than your performance (so far)

4. HeuKids (if time): Two segments from DVD... The Themes of BTT, and The Making of BTT


1. Continue to make a time-distance line graph of one of your runs (or someone else's)

2. Open up Excel and make a graph of your data (same that you entered)

3. Read 5-2 and write notes, so I can see how you do that process

4. Go to this site on vector addition and figure out how it works (place & arrows then predict resultant)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance


1. Do these flashcards and then write down four of the words into comp book for this week

2. BTT 10 The Perfect Day: Follow the instructions at the bottom of the BTT page

3. Make sub page of reading called Terabithia, add it to nave bar, and put all 3 BTT things onto it.


1. Get your data from checkpoint charts

2. Make a time-distance line graph of one of your runs (or someone else's)

3. Enter your data here and then see everyone's data here

4. Open up Excel and make a graph of your data (same that you entered)

5. Maybe... liquid nitrogen experiments (and ice cream) from Mrs. Stuart

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Fall Festival discussion with Mrs. Schmidt


1. Get into reading groups for BTT 8-13 (2 or 3 weeks)

2. Students give synopsis and significance for each chapter (use sheets, questions, comp books)

3. Parents add clarification, opinion, or prediction questions

4. Discussion of chapter 8 (and maybe 9 if enough have read it)

5. Parents - make a shelfari account and "friend" your group (they'll show you how)


1. Explanation of speed, velocity, and acceleration for parents

2. How did it go with the roller coaster creator? Any connections?

3. Running the 40 meters again, doubling the checkpoints and controlling acceleration

4. Get your data from checkpoint charts. Tomorrow we graph

Monday, October 4, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. VOD: T-shirt battle


1. Choosing reading groups for BTT 8-13 (2 or 3 weeks)

2. Reading 20 minutes (BTT8)

3. Divide up chapters 1-7 and each person write synopsis & significance on paper

4. Bonus materials from BTT DVD: "Making Of" and "Themes" (didn't get to it)


1. Speed, velocity, and acceleration explained again

2. Roller coaster drawing and graph of speed and acceleration

3. Roller coaster creator

Friday, October 1, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. How are things going?


1. Read 20 minutes of non fiction

2. Catch up and/or improve on:

-Missing work (check online)

-BTT 1-6 (online), BTT 7 (online)

-Step 6 of [H], Jeopardy game


1. Missing scores for [14]

2. Get your running interval times onto a data table

3. Creating a line graph in the proper format

4. Entering the data into a form

5. HOMEWORK: Call my GoogleVoice number (408) UPINTHE and define position, speed, velocity, acceleration

Block A: Learning & Assistance Preferences card, then ENG part 2.

Block B: StuCrew to do fixing up websites

Thursday, September 30, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. StuCrew... who has a personal (or family) copy of The Hunger Games?


1. Vocabulary roots and your made-up words


1. Finish Bill on Measurement

2. Turn in [14] if you did it at home

3. Running and measuring intervals

4. Entering and analyzing the data

Block A & B: Fixing up websites

1. Gizmo and/or Pronoun Jeopardy (if you haven't done both yet)

2. Change items listed as non-yes on this list

2. Categorize your site as either heukid or stucrew

3. Make banner

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. The 'what's due next' poster

3. Who has/can-get a copy of the Hunger Games?


1. Vocabulary words for this week... do worksheet (you, table, group)

then choose 4 of the words on the list and put them in comp book

2. Split your time between the online activities below and BTT-7 work:

A: Online activities:

1. Pronoun jeopardy show me the score sheet

2. Subject-verb agreement show me the score sheet

B: BTT7 steps 4, 5, and 6 (instructions here)


1. NFL video (try again) on position, speed, velocity

2. Do one of the runner gizmos at ExploreLearning, then the 5 questions, then print scorecard

3. Bill on Measurement

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Spanish... are you only good for them

if you think they're good enough for you?


1. Last call for comp books w/o being late

2. Read 20 minutes

3. Rebus puzzles. Rotate through the 25 sheets

4. BTT7 draft and timeline (here)


1. Remaining procedure checks while you do...

2. Show some table-cloth pulling variables (intro to unit 2: Forces & Motion)

3. NFL video on position, speed, velocity

4. Read textbook section 5-1 (pgs 118-123)

Block A: Rocking chair sanding, enter teen trivia questions, BTT7, and/or book inventory

Block B: PE

Monday, September 27, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. PowerSchool is deceiving regarding missing work

Since I have "due range" instead of "due date",

when does it become late and when does it become too late

and how will you know?

3. Where to find assignment information & dates

4. Rocking chair ideas & contributors

5. Fall Festival ideas & student leads

English (similar to Friday)

1. Comp books in & out

2. Read 20 minutes

3. Reader Profile should be ready to be scored

4. Revisions to Assignment for BTT-7 ("E") (in purple @ bottom of page)... group meetings again

5. Start your rough draft (in comp book after reader profile)

6. Create an Edmodo account if you haven't already

Science (similar to Friday)

1. Test & turn in remaining Attribute Actitities

2. Find a 2nd (14th - 28th) September issue of Science World and read about experimental design

3. Write the materials and procedure for your experiment and run it by me

4. When approved, add it to the science page of your website

5. Add a personal timeline to your experiment procedure (the one on paper)

6. Turn in your paper to me today

7. Tonight: Experiment with some table-cloth pulling variables (intro to unit 2: Forces & Motion)

Block A: Finish El Dorado and start sanding our rocking chair

Block B: Spanish

Friday, September 24, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. PowerSchool access (letters out and link is on grades page)


1. Read 20 minutes of non-fiction

2. Comp books in and out, and what I'm scoring this time

3. For whom is the Reader Profile ready to be scored?

4. Assignment for BTT-7 ("E") (in purple @ bottom of page) can start today... group meetings


1. Anyone done with their Attribute Actitity (test it here today)

2. Find a 2nd (14th - 28th) September issue of Science World and read about experimental design

3. Write the materials and procedure for your experiment and run it by me

4. When approved, add it to the science page of your website. (Lefties, see me)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. DCS directories


1. Please turn in comp books to me after class today if possible

2. The rest of the Reader Profile assignment is on your own

3. How to play Dictionary

4. Add 4 words to your next page in the vocab section of the comp book

5. Assignment for BTT-7 ("E") (in purple @ bottom of page) can start today


1. Last call for jeopardy game printouts

2. Turn in mouse-trap activity if you did it

3. Do more on [10] with your table

4. Start your own Attribute Actitity

5. Find a 2nd (14th - 28th) September issue of Science World and read about experimental design

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Assignment lists and calendars (grades page)

English (same as yesterday)

1. Any more homograph game completion printouts? zzzzz

2. Reading for 20 minutes (your material or BTT through chapter 7 if you're not there yet)

3. Reader Profile: finish draft (if necessary), then get peer feedback by these three ways

A. Read it to someone w/o stops and they give overall impression, then again w/ stops and suggestions

B. Someone reads it with/to you and does a mark-up for mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation, sequencing, tense)

C. Someone reads it and then writes what they remember (what stands out) after a 60 second break

4. Revise online version

5. HW: Get adult feedback in any of the three ways listed above. Get written confirmation.


1. Turn in grade printout if signed/commented

2. Turn in mouse-trap activity if you did it (=[8])

3. Measurement quiz (=[9])

4. Start "Observing Attributes" (=[10])

Block A: Attribute Activity

Block B: PE

Monday, September 20, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Spanish class behavior


1. There should me many more homograph game completion printouts

2. Reading for 20 minutes (your material or BTT through chapter 7 if you're not there yet)

3. Reader Profile: finish draft (if necessary), then get peer feedback by these three ways

A. Read it to someone w/o stops and they give overall impression, then again w/ stops and suggestions

B. Someone reads it with/to you and does a mark-up for mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation, sequencing, tense)

C. Someone reads it and then writes what they remember (what stands out) after a 60 second break

4. Revise online version

5. HW: Get adult feedback in any of the three ways listed above. Get written confirmation.


1. Passback [5], [6], [7], other and grade printout. Show how each was graded

2. Discuss test-measure-tool-unit sheet and online form

3. Preview tomorrow's quiz then choose two of the following three things

A. Review converting units by dimensional analysis, within and between units

B. Review Animal speeds activity

C. Start the mouse-trap sequencing activity

Block A: Adding things to the"About Me" page of your site

Block B: Spanish

Friday, September 17, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Class issues/discussions?

3. Decide on a 'storytelling' video for block A today

4. Student Council meeting report (Erica)


1. Any more homograph game completion printouts?

2. Non-fiction reading for 20 minutes (your material or my KidsDiscover magazines)


1. Turn in list of variables, tools, and units on paper and on my form (= [7]). Here is the spreadsheet

2. Converting units by dimensional analysis, within and between units

3. Animal speeds activity

Block A: Start StoryTelling video

Block B: PE

Thursday, September 16, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance


1. Compound word tracks

2. Complete on your own:

The three quia activities from yesterday's list (print Challenge Board)

Your six answers to BTT 1-6

2. Watch more (hopefully a lot more) of BTT


1. List of variables, tools, and units (on paper and on my form) =[7]

2. Bill on Do-It-Yourself Science

Block A: Design challenge (paper bridges)

Block B: Silent Ball and/or game outside

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Ropes course videos & discussion

3. Wednesday envelopes in 22 or here


1. Vocab: words for the RopesCourse day

2. Post your 1 best answer per chapter on the reading page of your site

3. Show me your "You As A Reader" notes in your comp book

3. Do each of the three below with a partner:

http://www.quia.com/cz/341161.html (repeat until 100%)

http://www.quia.com/cb/8285.html (print completion certificate)

http://www.quia.com/pop/35971.html (repeat until 100%)


1. Experiment spreadsheet and project description (my comments are on people who entered 4+)

2. The form is here (make sure you have 4 entered by Wednesday)

3. Review independent and dependent variables (read and highlight)

4. Review [6] Metric Mania

5. Start "Bill on Measurement"

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ropes Course in @ Mt. Hermon in Scott's Valley today

Monday, September 13, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Ropes course: forms, shoes, lunch, water

3. Student council classroom rep election

4. Yearbook theme choice


1. Read 20 minutes

2. Discuss the assignment list and due dates

2. Finish your Dead words gravestone on your own (see timeline)

3. Post your 1 best answer per chapter on the reading page of your site

4. Start your "You As A Reader" piece by writing notes in your comp book


1. Experiment spreadsheet and project description (my comments are on people who entered 4+)

2. The form is here (make sure you have 4 entered by Wednesday)

3. Review [5] Measurement Scales

4. Practicing some mathy science: Metric Conversions (=[6])

5. Start "Bill on Measurement"

English StuCrew

1. Same as HeuKids

Block A: "Machines" with Amy

Block B: Spanish

Friday, September 10, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. collect envelopes & grade pirint-outs

3. Student council elections


1. Review how to do the Dead words gravestone

2. When done, read (groups?) and answer more

3. Post your 1 best answer per chapter on the reading page of your site

4. Watch up to chapter 6 (in book) and discuss differences


1. Experiment spreadsheet and project description (my weekend)

2. The form is here (make sure you have 4 entered)

3. Review measuring mass

4. Understanding and measuring volumes

5. HW: [5] Measurement scales

6. XC HW: find metric approximations (read these instructions)

English StuCrew

1. Same as HeuKids

Block A (StuCrew)

1. How to draw cartoons

2. Getting access to your GoogleApps account

3. Starting your eportfolio site

4. Create your 4 pages (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Vocab, AboutMe)

5. HW: do #3 from English (above)

Block B: HeuKids @ PE

Thursday, September 9, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Passback [1], [2], [3], [4]

3. Science grade so far (letter)


1. Eight of you need to fill out this form about you

2. Review how to do the Dead words gravestone

3. When done, read (groups?) and answer more

4. Watch up to chapter 6 (in book) and discuss differences


1. Experiment spreadsheet and project description

2. The form is here (make sure you have 4 entered)

2. Review the metric advantages

3. Cutting up a ruler, measuring mass, and understanding volumes

4. HW: find metric approximations (read these instructions)

English StuCrew

Meeting: fill in this form if you haven't already

1. Then, same as HeuKids

Art Activity for Block A (HR 22)

1. How to draw cartoons

2. Lettering your name

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. A bit about class atmospheres

3. Paper/personal organization strategies

4. Loose ends... mine and yours


1. Review the weekly routines

2. Show me what you got done yesterday while you...

3. Play Ghost or Word Chains, or both (keep track, color coded)

4. Dead words gravestone


1. Yesterday you should have entered your ideas (all 4) here (if not, its HW)

2. Measurement (ppt and notes on units and the metric advantages)

3. Cutting up a ruler, measuring mass, and understanding volumes

4. HW: find metric approximations (read these instructions)

English StuCrew

1. same as HeuKids

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


1. Lunch and attendance

2. Mrs. Haag here today (I'm at a funeral)


1. Get list of chapter questions

2. Choose half per chapter

3. Answer them starting on pg 27ish of comp book (label each answer)


1. Read textbook pages 6 through 11

2. Look through ScienceWorlds at pages with blue post-it (2nd Sept. issue each year)

3. Write a list of four or more ideas for experiments that you might do (topic, questions, how to test)

4. Enter your ideas (all 4) here

English StuCrew

1. 20 minutes of quiet reading (hopefully finish chpt 1, 2, 3)

2. Get list of chapter questions

3. Choose half per chapter and answer on paper

Block A

1. Continue group challenges (with same groups as on Friday)

2. Write (on lined paper, not comp book) about your interactions and roles in your group

Block B

1. PE with Stacy

Schedule for Friday, September 3, 2010

8:20 Lun-Att, about yesterday and about our time together so far

8:40 English:

1. Read Bridge to Terabithia up through chapter 5

2. Changes to your site (sharing, index, text into the AboutMe page)

3. Jeopardy game

4. Watch a bit more of BTT

9:20 Science

1. Group challenges

2. Over the weekend write a list of experiment ideas

10:15 Break

10:40 English w/ StuCrew:

1. Do the Shelfari account and form about you, and Book spreadsheet

2. Read Bridge to Terabithia chapters 1, 2, 3

3. Watch BTT through the race

Block A: Unstructured time

Block B: PE with Stacy

Schedule for Thursday, September 2, 2010

8:20 Lun-Att, Penguin USB?,

8:30 Video of the Day: Art

8:40 English:

1. Overview of weekly routines

2. Read Bridge to Terabithia chapters 1, 2, 3

3. Jeopardy game

9:20 Science

1. Did everyone create an account for "Gizmos" at the ExploreLearning?

-enroll in a class using the code PQW6QZW2F2

-play with the simulations here & at home during September

2. Review and collect [3]: Hypothesis Testing

3. Bill Nye on Pseudoscience

4. Write a list of 4+ questions for your science experiment

-http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/category0.html (choose physics or chemistry)

10:15 Break

10:35 English (StuKids)

1. Finish school-wide writing sample

2. Grand Grammar Game if you are done

3. Create a "shelfari" account and friend me (chrisheumann)

4. Fill out the form about you

11:30 Math

12:25 Drive to KCI

1:00 Eat/finish lunch on the Patio

About learning new technologies (medieval help desk)

1:10 Overview of GoogleTools (my tech site)

Docs: Overview video and my samples

Sites: Overview video and my samples

1:40 Google Apps for Education (about CIPA) video

Logging in to your account (http://www.google.com/a/heumann.org)

Make a doc amongst a group

Create a site and add pages and content

How your site will serve as your Online Digital Portfolio

2:35 Drive back to DCS

3:05 Arrive DCS and release

Schedule for Wednesday, September 1, 2010

8:20 Lun-Att, book spreadsheet,

8:30 Video of the Day: Sumsing Turbo 3000

8:40 English:

1. School-wide writing sample

2. Jeopardy game (if you finish early)

9:20 Science

1. Share your superstition story and experiment

2. Hypothesis writing and testing ([3])

3. Using "Gizmos" at the ExploreLearning website (half class)

-enroll in a class using the code PQW6QZW2F2

-try the Roller Coaster simulation

-play with the simulations more at home

10:15 Break

10:35 English (StuKids)

1. School-wide writing sample

2. Grand Grammar Game if you finish early

11:30 Math

12:40 Lunch

1:10 Release

Schedule for Tuesday, August 31, 2010

8:20 Meeting: attendance, lunch, preview of this afternoon (quick Comic)

8:30 Video of the day: Awareness Test

8:40 English:

-what was your 4th word? Teach it to your table.

-finish writing: Summer Surprise, First Few Days, Different Friends

-got to FreeRice

-take the Multiple Intelligences Survey and write down or print the results

9:20 Science:

-review the scientific method definition and steps

-review and turn in assignment [1] "Scientific Method"

-finish reading pages 12 to 18 in the book

-Online SciMeth sites

  1. Cricket-Chirp Simulation

  2. Drag-n-Drop

  3. Tim & Moby

10:15 Break

10:40 Math

11:30 History

12:30 -- leave DCS

1:00 -- arrive KCI and assemble in CyberCafe to eat lunch

1:10 -- get laptops and set up in room 4002 (or 4004)

1:15 -- Using a Google doc to log/compare books you've read

1:45 -- Comic Life page about yourself

2:10 -- Start your Shelfari account (tonight) and friend me

2:40 -- Leave for DCS

3:00 -- Arrive DCS and return packets to Leslie

Schedule for Monday, August 30, 2010

8:20 Meeting: att-lun, evacuation process, photos for tomorrow

8:30 Video of the day: The Plastic Bag, A Mockumentary

8:40 Science:

The Scientific Method

-the definition, the steps, and the examples

-start assignment [1] "Scientific Method"

-preview and start pgs 12-18 in the text book

10:00 Fire Drill

10:15 Break

10:40 English:

Vobabulary: Articulate, plethora, voracious

Write: Summer Surprise, First Few Days, Different Friends

StuKids: RapidFire Questions, Charlie style: write your list

12:30 Lunch

1:15 Science: Finish video (5 minutes) and create the list

English: Change section 1 of comp book to "vocabulary"

2:10 Spanish

3:00 CoolDown, CleanUp, and Closing