Summer Scrapbook Details & Work Appreciation (8/19/13)

Post date: Aug 21, 2013 5:17:28 AM

Dear Parents,

Summer Scrapbook Page: Today, after talking with some kids and parents, I realized that the description and request that I wrote in yesterday's email wasn't very clear or thorough. So I'll create a page on my website that explains it more and has a list of what I'm hoping that the kids can bring to class on Wednesday and/or Thursday of this coming week. Short summary: The kids will be creating a single scrapbook page that portrays the events, attitudes, or accomplishments of their summer. I'll provide the 12"x12" paper, sheet protector, and some (few) stickers or decorative elements, BUT a good scrapbook page needs much more personalized elements than that. So the kids should bring (small) photos and any other little tokens that can represent their summer. Like I said, more (ever-growing) details are on this page.

Workday Appreciation: Over the past few weeks I've been tinkering with curriculum and fussing over various things in/on the classroom. During that time I created a big to-do list on the whiteboard with the optimistic goal of getting it all done before school starts. Amazingly enough, due to the great parents and students that came to help today, the whole list got done! See attached picture. Thank you to all who came and helped out so much -- it was great meeting you and I really appreciate your help and talents! We are ready for school to start!