
Words Worth Learning

One Word Slides

Vocabulary Collection

This year you will be collecting great words all week and focusing on just four by entering them into your vocabulary collection comp book.

Get a 70 to 100 page composition book and mark each page as instructed in class.

For the cover:

1. Think of something you collect (or would like to collect)

2. Draw some (5+) examples on a sheet

3. By each example, put a great vocabulary word that related to it

4. Laminate (with tape) the card to the outside of your cover

Most Wednesdays we will have class time to check most recent entries and get a start on the new ones. You will have to keep up with the work throughout the week, though.

Here are the steps:

  1. Fill a vocabulary bookmark each week and tape it into your comp book (due Wednesdays).

  2. Choose 4 words and enter them into your comp book along with an definition that you understand.

  3. Complete the entry using the style of the week (do Wednesdays, due Fridays)

  4. Keep your Table of Contents up to date (also due Fridays)

Overused Words




Grading Information

Here is a link to the grading instructions I wrote for the parents.

Here is a link to the Vocab Comp Book Entries Revisions Form (use it to make up of low-scoring entries)

Here is a link to sample plus, check, and minus entries

Vocabulary Collections
Vocab TOC
1000 Words for High School

1000 Words to Know for High Schools (book)

Daily Vocabulary for High School
Best Ten of 2011

Your Top Ten from 2011:

The following is the entire list of 100 words:

1. accentuate

2. alliteration

3. analogy

4. antibody

5. aspire

6. bamboozle

7. bizarre

8. boisterous

9. boycott

10. camouflage

11. chronology

12. commemorate

13. cower

14. decorum

15. deduction

16. deign

17. despondent

18. dialogue

19. divulge

20. eclectic

21. ellipse

22. embargo

23. enthusiastic

24. exponent

25. exult

26. fallacy

27. flourish

28. formidable

29. gargoyle

30. guerrilla

31. guru

32. heritage

33. hieroglyphic

34. hologram

35. hypocrisy

36. immune

37. impertinent

38. inference

39. introspection

40. jaunty

41. jovial

42. kilometer

43. labyrinth

44. laconic

45. lichen

46. light-year

47. maneuver

48. marsupial

49. metaphor

50. mosaic

51. mutation

52. nebula

53. nocturnal

54. nuisance

55. omnivore

56. outrageous

57. ozone

58. parasite

59. participle

60. phloem

61. plateau

62. polygon

63. protagonist

64. pulverize

65. quandary

66. quarantine

67. quota

68. rainforest

69. random

70. recede

71. renaissance

72. renegade

73. repose

74. sacrifice

75. silhouette

76. solstice

77. spectrum

78. stereotype

79. strategy

80. suffrage

81. symbiosis

82. tariff

83. technique

84. tempo

85. toxin

86. tranquility

87. tumult

88. tundra

89. ultraviolet

90. unanimous

91. undulate

92. vaccine

93. vacillate

94. vertebrate

95. virtuoso

96. voracious

97. wretched

98. xylem

99. yacht

100. zoology

Vocabulary from Calvin and Hobbes

The Abbi-Kai List

Other lists:

  1. 100 words every middle schooler should know

I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

Vocabulary Animations