
Unit 4: Matter

Chapter 2 -- The Properties of Matter (what is matter / physical properties / chemical properties) (my notes)

Chapter 3 -- States of Matter (three states of matter / behavior of gases / changes of state) (my notes)

Chapter 4 -- Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures (element / compound / mixture) (my notes)

The topics in this unit deal with the heart of matter – the stuff that we (and everything around us) are made of. From differentiating between physical and chemical properties, to measuring solid and liquid densities, to graphing phase changes, the activities are designed to give some concrete experience to potentially elusive concepts.

Physical & Chemical Properties


Differential Density Demo (liquid and/or solid):

Liquid Density Column: Find household liquids that have very different densities, color them if desired/possible, and put them into a small, clear, tall container. Write a "key" on an index card.

Solid Density Boxes: Fill two same-sized boxes with things of very different mass AND two very different sized boxes with the same thing. Coat the boxed with paper as needed to hide labels, etc.

Solid Mixtures Separation Lab

1. create a mixture of small solids (powders, granules, etc) that could be separated by physical or chemical means. You'll need about 500 ml total. As you create it, keep track of what you add and how much. Avoid adding two substances that can't be separated from each other by any (easy) means, for example salt and sugar.

2. Write how you could separate it.

3. Perform your own separation with about one third of the material

4. Package up the rest, label it with your name & ingredients, and bring it to class

5. Trade with someone

6. They will attempt to separate your mixture, keeping track of what they do & the results

7. Bring the separated substances back to class along with the description of your activity

-online separation simulation

Gas Laws Simulation & Write-up:

In order to gain a better understanding of the gas laws (Boyle's & Charles'), run this online simulation. You can change many variables and observe the effects on the others.

1. Go to and click the green "Run Now!" button. The applet should launch.

2. Familiarize yourself with the application. You can change the amount of gas in the chamber, as well as temperature, pressure, gravity, and density of molecules. Adjust variables and observe the effects.

3. The assignment is as follows: On a sheet of lined paper, create 4 regions. In each region, you write the following "fill in": When I changed only the _____, the effect on the ______ was ______; the effect on the ______ was _____; and the effect on the _____ was ______. Hmmm... _______________ (that last blank can be filled with a variety of statements such as what it makes you wonder, any connection to the real world that you may have noticed, and/or other details).

Phase Change

Heating water data and graph (here)