
The "Gift I Gave" Essay:

As you get older your holiday focus will switch from getting to giving. Write a 3 or 4 paragraph essay that describes a situation in which you gave a gift to someone. The gift can be physical or not, and the situation could be a celebration (b-day, holiday, etc) or not, you may even be a bit loose with the term "gift". The essay itself, along with all its components, is due on 12/18/15.


  1. Introduction ()

  2. Possibilities & Parts: List of 5+ ideas, (Friday, 12/22/17)

  3. One topic chosen & topics for each of the 3 to 4 paragraphs (by Friday 1/19/18) -- my sample

  4. Draft (by Thursday 1/25/18).

  5. Edited drafts (by Monday 1/29/17)

  6. Final version (by Tuesday 1/30/17)