

安裝環境Windows11+ Anaconda(

需要OpenAI API key(



#conda create -n  gpt python=3.10


#git clone

#cd Auto-GPT

#pip install -r requirements.txt


#copy .env.template .env

編輯.env,修改以下,加入OpenAI API key



#python -m autogpt


Step4a)需要輸入AI NAME、機器人的用途、建立最多五個目標。

Warning: The file 'AutoGpt.json' does not exist. Local memory would not be saved to a file.

NEWS:  Welcome to Auto-GPT! We'll keep you informed of the latest news and features by printing messages here. If you don't wish to see this message, you can run Auto-GPT with the --skip-news flag

Welcome to Auto-GPT!  run with '--help' for more information.

Create an AI-Assistant:  Enter the name of your AI and its role below. Entering nothing will load defaults.

Name your AI:  For example, 'Entrepreneur-GPT'

AI Name: Bot

Bot here!  I am at your service.

Describe your AI's role:  For example, 'an AI designed to autonomously develop and run businesses with the sole goal of increasing your net worth.'

Bot is: 蒐集程式範例的機器人

Enter up to 5 goals for your AI:  For example: Increase net worth, Grow Twitter Account, Develop and manage multiple businesses autonomously'

Enter nothing to load defaults, enter nothing when finished.

Goal 1: 蒐集10個C++條件判斷範例程式

Goal 2: 蒐集10個C++迴圈範例程式

Goal 3: 蒐集10個C++陣列範例程式

Goal 4:

Using memory of type:  LocalCache

Using Browser:  chrome

Step4b)過程中會不斷出現THOUGHTS->REASONING->PLAN->CRITICISM,使用者可以決定要同意幾個的這個過程,例如5次輸入「y -5」,接下來5次都會自動執行,不會再詢問,這過程中會使用API key的token產生費用。

 THOUGHTS:  I think I should start by collecting C++ conditional statements examples.

REASONING:  I should focus on one task at a time, and since I need to collect 10 examples of each type of program, I should start with one category at a time.


-  Use 'google' command to look up examples of C++ conditional statements.

-  Store each example in a file called 'conditional_statement_example_{number}.cpp' where 'number' is an integer.

-  Repeat this process until I have collected 10 examples.

CRITICISM:  I need to make sure I save the files to the correct location so that I can easily retrieve them later.

NEXT ACTION:  COMMAND = google ARGUMENTS = {'input': 'C++ conditional statement examples'}

Enter 'y' to authorise command, 'y -N' to run N continuous commands, 'n' to exit program, or enter feedback for ...

Input:y -5

