LXR on CentOS

安裝CentOS 6.6

httpd 2.2

mysqld 5.1




#yum install httpd

#vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

ServerName 192.168.1.x

#service httpd start

#chkconfig httpd on



#yum install mysql

#yum install mysql-server

#service mysqld start

#chkconfig mysqld on



#yum install ctags

#yum install perl //通常安裝系統時會一起已安裝

#yum install cpan

#cpan App::cpanminus

#cpanm File::MMagic

#yum install mod_perl

#yum install perl-DBI //安裝mysql-server會一起安裝

#yum install perl-DBD-Mysql //安裝mysql-server會一起安裝


#yum install gcc

#yum install flex

#yum install flex-devel



# ./configure

# make install clean


#cp lxr-2.0.3.tgz /var/www/html

#cd /var/www/html

#tar -zxvf lxr-2.0.3.tgz

#mv lxr-2.0.3 lxr

#./scripts/configure-lxr.pl -vv

[root@localhost lxr]# ./scripts/configure-lxr.pl -vv

Configure for single/multiple trees? [S/m] >

Do you intend to add other trees later? [yes/NO] >

Server type? [dedicated/SHARED] >

--- Host name or IP? [//localhost] >

--- Alias name or IP? > //

--- Alias name or IP? >

URL section name for LXR in your server? [/lxr] >

Database engine? [MYSQL/oracle/postgres/sqlite] >

--- Directory for glimpse databases? > /var/www/html/glimpse

Is your Apache version 2.4 or higher? [YES/no] > no

--- Use 'buttons-and-menus' instead of 'link' interface? [YES/no] >

--- Caption in page header? (e.g. Project XYZZY displayed by LXR) > LXR

Do you need a specific encoding for this tree ? [yes/NO] >

How is your tree stored? [FILES/cvs/git/svn/hg/bk] >

--- Source directory? (e.g. /home/myself/project-tree) > /var/www/html

Name to display for the path root? (e.g. Project or $v for version) [$v] >

Label for version selection menu? [Version] >

Version enumeration method? [LIST/file/function] >

--- Version name? > slxr

--- Version name? (hit return to stop) >

--- Default displayed version is first in 'range'? [YES/no] >

--- Directory to ignore, e.g. CVSROOT or CVS? (hit return to stop) >

--- Include directory, e.g. /include? (hit return to stop) >

--- Database name? > lxr

--- DB user name? [lxr] >

--- DB password? [lxrpw] > mysql的使用者lxr密碼

--- DB table prefix? [lxr_] >

#service mysqld start

#chkconfig mysqld on


(7)執行「./custom.d/initdb.sh」 建立資料庫與新增資料庫使用者lxr

若無法登入,請重新執行./scripts/configure-lxr.pl -vv,輸入正確mysql的使用者lxr密碼,重新產生initdb.sh再執行./custom.d/initdb.sh


cp ./custom.d/lxr.conf /var/www/html/lxr


#./genxref --checkonly

#./genxref --url= --versions=slxr為 網址,因為設定為SHARED,可以有多目錄

slxr為Version Name, 在 /var/www/html 下,將要進行顯示的程式碼放置於slxr資料夾下

執行「./genxref --url= --versions=slxr」建立索引


This is glimpseindex version 4.18.5, 2006.

Indexing "/var/www/html/slxr" ...

Size of files being indexed = 1115614 B, Total #of files = 110

Index-directory: "/var/www/html/glimpse/lxr/slxr"

Glimpse-files created here:

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4785 2015-05-23 08:55 .glimpse_filenames

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 440 2015-05-23 08:55 .glimpse_filenames_index

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 2015-05-23 08:55 .glimpse_filetimes

-rw-------. 1 root root 102620 2015-05-23 08:55 .glimpse_index

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 116 2015-05-23 08:55 .glimpse_messages

-rw-------. 1 root root 46058 2015-05-23 08:55 .glimpse_partitions

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 396 2015-05-23 08:55 .glimpse_statistics

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 262144 2015-05-23 08:55 .glimpse_turbo

*** slxr /custom.d/

--- slxr apache2-require.pl 1432299033-379 1 :: 0

--- slxr hg-lxr-ext.py 1432299033-2413 2 :: 8

--- slxr initdb.sh 1432299033-7142 3 :: 0

--- slxr lxr.conf 1432299033-6808 4 :: 0

--- slxr lxr.ctxt 1432299033-554 5 :: 0

*** slxr /lib/LXR/Files/

--- slxr BK.pm 1432299033-8306 6 :: 20

--- slxr CVS.pm 1432299033-23529 7 :: 20

--- slxr GIT.pm 1432299033-10286 8 :: 16

--- slxr Mercurial.pm 1432299033-9794 9 :: 16

--- slxr Plain.pm 1432299033-5227 10 :: 15

--- slxr Subversion.pm 1432299033-9874 11 :: 18

*** slxr /lib/LXR/Index/

--- slxr Mysql.pm 1432299033-5982 12 :: 4

--- slxr Oracle.pm 1432299033-2296 13 :: 2

--- slxr Postgres.pm 1432299033-6994 14 :: 4

--- slxr SQLite.pm 1432299033-4056 15 :: 4



#cp /custom.d/apache-lxrserver.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/

#service httpd start



# LXR Apache server configuration


# $Id: apache-lxrserver.conf,v 1.9 2014/03/10 16:40:27 ajlittoz Exp $



# Cannot grant Apache 2.2/2.4 implicit compatibility because Require

# directive syntax and semantics changed between releases.

# When updating 2.2 -> 2.4, uncomment 2.4 specific lines

# =================================================

# ------- Port list -------


# (only if different from 80, 8080 or 443)

# NOTE: remove duplicate ports since they cause trouble

# and uncomment the remaining ones.


# The following directive is deprecated in 2.4 and becomes a no-op

NameVirtualHost *

# =================================================


# ------- LXR host name and aliases ------


<VirtualHost *>

DocumentRoot /var/www/html/lxr

ServerName localhost




# =================================================


# ------- URL mapping to LXR directory ------


Alias /lxr "/var/www/html/lxr"


# =================================================


# ----------- Perl security checks -----------


# If these checks cause trouble (i.e. too many

# error or warning messages in Apache's error log),

# comment out the lines.

<IfDefine MODPERL2>

PerlSwitches -T


<IfDefine !MODPERL2>

PerlTaintCheck On


# =================================================


# ----------- LXR startup configuration -----------


# This is valid only for Apache 2.x

# Apache 1.x requires manual modification of Perl library.

# See LXR installation manual

# Apache 1.x requires manual modification of Perl library.

# See LXR installation manual

<IfModule mod_version.c>

# Assume Apache 2.x and above since mod_version appeared in 2.0

# This is safer than using <IfVersion> since this tag

# causes an error with 1.x

# However, when this configuration file is parsed,

# mod_perl may not yet be loaded; consequently, the older

# directive is used. Happily, it is still recognised by newer

# versions of mod_perl.

<IfDefine MODPERL2>

# ----------------> absolute path to the LXR root directory

PerlPostConfigRequire /var/www/html/lxr/custom.d/apache2-require.pl


<IfDefine !MODPERL2>

# ----------------> absolute path to the LXR root directory

PerlRequire /var/www/html/lxr/custom.d/apache2-require.pl



# =================================================


# ----------- LXR directory access -----------


# ----------------> absolute path to the LXR root directory

<Directory "/var/www/html/lxr">

Options FollowSymLinks

AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Limit Options

# Apache 2.2 access control

Order allow,deny

# up to Apache 2.2

Allow from all

# from Apache 2.4

# Require all granted



#service iptables stop

# chkconfig iptables off

