And Discover The Amazing Benefits Of A Plant-Based Diet

Simple Recipe for Sweet Potato & Spinach Dahl

Sweet Potato & Spinach Dahl is a comforting and flavorful vegetarian dish that combines red lentils, sweet potatoes, and spinach in a rich, spiced coconut milk and tomato-based sauce. The aromatic blend of ginger, garlic, and a medley of spices enhances the natural sweetness of the sweet potatoes while the lentils provide a hearty texture. This nutritious and easy-to-make dish is not only satisfying but also packed with essential nutrients. Serve it over rice or with naan for a delicious and wholesome meal. 

Protein per serve 34gr

+protein flatbread : 49gr (34+15)



Macros x serving: 473 kcal | 73C• 6F• 34P