Just puns

Someone on the strathspey.org mailing list came up with The Machine Without Oil [recording https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U7lZa5tkJdUKR9VJwnXNbqSHNI5NZZkR/view?usp=sharing], in which The Machine Without Horses grinds to a halt - fast jig, medium reel, slow Strathspey - with the R&L not happening at all (that's fine - it doesn't take you anywhere). I managed to find a video with suitable grinding noises (I think it must have been an Art - the sequence seemed to be monks plodding through a factory), and it's quite fun getting the dancers to start again on time! Anyway, I thought I would continue making up silly dance puns, so I present:

MAXWELL'S REASONED ARGUMENT (R8x32) 3C (4C set) E McIntosh after Rutherford

1- 8 1s in and down for mirror reels of 3 on own sides

9-16 1s in and down for mirror reels of 3 on own sides again

17-24 1s dance in, cast to 2nd place, dance up between the 2s and cast to 2nd pl own side.

25-32 1s dance down between the 3s, cast up to 2nd place & 2s+1s+3s turn partners RH

You could probably cut out one of the reels - discussions go more effectively if you're *not cross*.

I managed to convince my partner at the RSCDS Cheltenham ball that the 2s don't step up on 3&4 of the phrase in b17-24 of Wild Geese. Oops.

WILD CHICKENS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) E McIntosh with apologies to Unknown

1-6 1s & 3s set advancing, balance-in-line, turn partner RH 3/4 to face each other up & down

7-8 1s dance down to 3rd place as 3s dance up 1st place. *Whoever lets go is chicken.*

9-16 3s & 1s repeat from the other place.

17-24 1s take 2H & slip down the middle and back to 2nd place, 2s stepping up on b7-8 of the phrase.

To add ducks: 3s gallop up the middle and back to 3rd place. One couple will need to arch, and the other will need to duck. I’m not sure which one you should try to do. Ducking feels more protective?

25-32 2s+1s R&L.