Alternating Phrases II Aphrodite and Ares

8x32 S, 3C in a 4C set

1-4 1C cross RH and cast off

5-8 1C turn LH with 1st corner 1 1/4 to lines of 4 across (1M between 3s, 1L between 2s)

9-12 All set and link for three

13-16 All set and link for three again

17-20 1C cross LH up and down the dance and cast round into 2nd place on opposite side

21-24 1C give RS to 2nd corner position to start half reels of 3 on the sides

25-28 1C give LS to 3rd corner position to start half reels of 3 across

29-32 1C turn once around RH

This dance was written in alternating four-bar phrases by Rachel Chadwick and Jacob Steel, while dancing the contra dance "Venus and Mars".