Mr Greystoke's Favourite

8x32 J, 3C in a 4C set


1C dance down between 2s and 3s (2s step up), cast up to 2nd place on own side and turn LH to face 1st corners


1C turn 1st corner RH, 2nd corner LH, partner RH and 3rd corner LH


1C turn 4th corner RH, partner LH and 1M with the 2s and 1L with the 3s dance RH teapots


1C pass 3rd corners RS, chase 1/2 way clockwise to 2nd place on opposite side, and turn RH 1 1/2

Also adapted as a 3C set 'The Tarzan Dance'. Lord Greystoke is Tarzan's title. You brachiate round the corners.