Child Roland's Reel

8x32 R, 3C in a 4C set

1-8 1C turn 1 1/2 around by the RH, moving down into 2nd place as they do so. Finish facing 2M’s position, with 1M behind 1L. 2C step up on 3&4

5-8 1L followed by 1M dances out, round to the right and down the middle, to finish with 1L between 3C and 1M between 2C

9-12 1M with the 2s and 1L with the 3s dance half reels of 3 across, giving RS to the men to start

13-16 1L followed by 1M casts round 3L (in 3M’s place), through 2M’s position and dances across. Finish with 1C in 2nd place on own side

17-20 1M with 2L and 3L and 1L with 2M and 3M dance half reels of 3 on the sides, starting by 1C giving RS to 3C

21-24 1L followed by 1M casts down round 2M (in 3L’s position), round and up the middle, and she loops round to her right while he passes her RS, to finish facing 1st corner in partner’s 1st corner position

25-28 1C and 1st corners dance half a diagonal reel of 4. Instead of passing left in the middle, 1C dance round one another 3/4 RS and face own 2nd corner position

29-32 1C and 2nd corners dance half a diagonal reel of 4, and 1C finish by passing RS to place