Ringo Roses

8x32 R, 3C in a 4C set

1-8 1C full turn RH, cast off, and turn LH to face 1st corners

9-12 1C couple dance RS around 1st corner position, pass 2nd corners RS, and dance in through ends 

1C finish in 2nd place on wrong side facing out 

1st corners dance half a RS reel of 4

2nd corners chase half way anticlockwise

13-16 1C dance LS around 2nd corner position, pass 1st corners LS, and dance in through ends and pass LS to face out on own side

1st corners chase half way clockwise 

2nd corners dance half a LS reel of 4

17-24 Repeat 17-24 from new positions. 1C finish at the ends, facing up and down

25-32 Corners dance rights and lefts. 1C dance figures of 8 across, starting by giving RS 1st corner, and finishing in 2nd place on own side

N.B. One draft of this dance was a 40-bar reel, finishing with a circle round and back.