Miss Ella Catherine Hughes

8x32 R, 3C in a 4C set


1s lead down to bottom and cast up to 2nd place


Half diagonal R&L on the 1st diagonal (1L up, 1M down)


Half RS reels of 3 across (1L up, 1M down)


1C dance fishhooks (1M up, 1L down) while 1st corners (in 2nd corner positions) dance half a RS reel of 4 on the 2nd diagonal. Finish in the sidelines in order (2)(1)(3)


1M with 2C and 1L with 1C dance RH teapots


Half diagonal R&L on the 1st diagonal (1M up, 1L down)


Half RS reels of 3 across (1M up, 1L down)


1C dance fishhooks (1M down, 1L up) while 2nd corners dance half a RS reel of 4 on the 2nd diagonal. Finish in the sidelines in order 213

Dedicated to the real Miss Ella Catherine Hughes, born June 10th 2008 to Adam & Ruth.

EM: A remix of Irish Rover, but actually flows nicely. Hopefully this dance will eventually replace Irish Rover, but until then, ask your musicians for as close as possible to their Irish Rover set.