The World Turned Upside Down

8x32 J, 3C in a 4C set, 1s improper

1-4 1s dance down to the bottom of the set, 2C move up

5-6 1C cast up to 2nd place on opposite side, 2C and 3C set

7-8 1C set 2C and 3C petronella into a line of four up and down (ladies above men)

9-10 1C petronella to between middle of line of 6, facing one another. 2C and 3C set in line

11-12 2s and 3s petronella to opposite side of the set, 1C set pulling back RS to end back to back

13-20 1M with 2C and 1L with 3C circle round and back (across the phrase)

21-24 1s dance out passing 2nd corner positions LS, and cast left to 2nd place on own side

25-28 Half RS reels of 3 along the sides

29-32 1C turn one another 1 1/2 RH, moving down into 3rd place on wrong side. 2C move up

Finish in order (3)(2)(1)4, and start the dance again from the other end.