Hornets of Boxted

4x32 J, 4C set, 3s and 4s improper

1-4 Half RS reels of 4 on each side

5-8 2s and 3s turn half way LH up and down on the sides, dance 1/4 of a LH star and the men pull back LS to face out on the sides in promenade hold, 1s and 4s chase half way clockwise

1L 1M

2L 3M

2M 3L

4M 4L

Hornets reels:

9-12 Dance 'nearly half' an RS reel of 3 in each side. As they are coming up the middle, 2C and 3C split and cast away from one another to ends of a line of 4 across the dance; 1C and 4C take promenade hold in the middle of that line facing up. Finish

2L 4M 4L 2M

3M 1L 1M 3L

with the 1s and 4s facing the middle of the set in promenade hold and the 2s and 3s facing out

13-16 'Nearly half' RS reels of 3 across, then 1C and 4C split, finishing on the ends of lines of 4 up and down facing the middle of the line, while 2M with 3L and 3M with 2L take promenade hold facing out on the side

4M 4L

2M 2L

3L 3M

1L 1M

17-24 Repeat 9-16 from new positions, finishing with 2s and 3s in promenade hold

1L 1M

3L 3M

3M 2L

4M 4L

25-28 2s followed by 4s and 3s followed by 1s promenade round clockwise to a longwise set, in order 13(2)(4)

29-32 All drop hands and pass through up and down RS to finish in order (2)(4)13