Do Not Apologise
8x32 J, 3C in a 4C set
1-8 1st couple cross RH, cast off, and dance half figures of 8 (lady up, man down)
9-16 1st couple take nearer hands with partners 1st corner and make arches. All chase once round set (2nd corners anticlockwise, others clockwise) with the 2nd corners going under the arches. Finish in a line of 6 up and down the dance
17-22 Half a RS reel of 6 up and down the dance
23-24 Turn partner 1/4 RH into Allemande hold
25-32 Dance an allemande
Do not apologise… for the arches decapitating people? No, JS says it's a backronym from the spirally bit looking like DNA.