White Seal Reel

8x32 R, 3C in a 4C set

1-4 1C dance down and in to start half reels of 3 on the sides

5-8 All set in the sidelines, and 1s and 3s dance half a RH star

9-12 1C and 3C chase clockwise halfway around 2C

13-16 Turn partner RH into allemande hold

17-24 Staggered allemande - 

3C dance round to first place in two steps, turn in, retire and set 

2C dance a normal allemande 

1C dance round for six steps and turn in in 3rd place

25-28 1C lead up to 1st place while 2C step down and cast off into 2nd place

29-32 1C dance in and down to start half reels of 3 on the side