La Belle Maggie

4x48 R, 4C set

1-4 Ends (1 and 4) cross, cast in

5-8 1/2 RH across at both ends, 1/2 RH turn into promenade hold, 3's facing 4's, 1's facing 2's

9-24 Belle Maggie Reels*

25-32 Parallel Reels of 4, moving out to sides

33-40 1's turn 2's (and 4's turn 3's) RH 1 1/2 times on sides, 1's and 4's turn each other LH 1 1/2 times on sides, end 24(1)(3)

41-48 Double figures of 8 at each end, ends casting, middles crossing to start


9-10 1s and 2s, and 3s and 4s, pass RS in promenade hold

11-12 2s and 3s star left 1/4 and the men pull back LS to face out in promenade hold, with the person who is not your partner; 2s and 3s split away from partner and dance round to meet someone on the side of the dance, taking promenade hold facing in

13-16 Repeat the same move on new axis

17-24 Repeat 9-16