Circle of Lights
8x40 R, 3C in a 4C set
1-8 1C cross RH, cast off one place, turn LH to face first corners and all set
9-16 All dance the Maelstrom*
17-20 1st couple chase clockwise half way round set. Meanwhile corners turn partner RH all the way, and dance half a RH star
21-24 1st couple birl while corners chase clockwise half way
25-32 All dance the Maelstrom, 1st couple turning 2nd corner then partner's 2nd corner; Finish on own sides in progressed places
33-40 Circle round and back
9-10 All move one place anticlockwise - the 2nd corners petronella, while the 1st couple and 1st corners do 3/4 of a 2-hand turn
11-12 Corners set, while the 1st couple set round one another back to back to face partner's 1st corner
13-14 Repeat 9-10 from new positions
15-16 Corners set while 1st couple set round one another back to back to face out on own sides
N.B. As a display dance in a three couple set, this has been danced with the 1st couple moving to 2nd place on own sides on bars 29-30, and then setting down with a "roll-away" motion past 3rd couple (man pulling back RS, lady pulling back LS) on 31-32.