Girton Interchange

4x32 R, 4C set, 2s and 4s improper

1-4 Half reels of 4 on the sides, finishing in a saltire

5-8 Half reels of 4 on the diagonal, finishing in lines of 4 across

9-12 Half reels of 4 across the dance, finishing in a saltire

13-16 Half reels of 4 on the diagonal, finishing in lines of 4 up and down

Finish in order 4321, all improper, with the ladies facing out and the men facing in

17-18 All stand still for two bars

19-20 1M and 4M dance down/up the middle to 3M and 2M positions 

1L and 4L cast down/up the middle to 3L and 2L positions 

2M and 3M cross out of nearer end to 1M and 4M positions 

2L and 3L cast round the nearer end and across to 1L and 4L positions

21-24 1C and 4C star RH once around

25-32 All circle round to the left and back to the right