Tropic of Cancer

3x32 J, 2 chords, 3C set, 1L and 3L interchanged

1-8 2nd couple cross RH, and chase 3/4 clockwise while 1st corners step in on 5&6, to finish with the men in order 213 and the women in order 132

9-10 2C change places RH with middle person of opposite sex

11-16 1M followed by 2M chase clockwise, loop once around 3M and chase up the side of the dance to finish 123, while 3L followed by 2L does the same

17-24 2C cross LH with 2nd corner position, to repeat the same figure anticlockwise. Finish with men 132 and women 213

25-32 repeat 9-16 clockwise again from new positions. Finish with men 312 and women 231

This dance was originally known as Pageturner - the first incarnation left out the extra loops, resulting in a 6-bar figure that was always across the phrase, and hence kept you turning on to the next phrase to see what happened next. Once it was fixed to an 8-bar figure, it needed a new title, and the shape is very reminiscent of the Zodiacal symbol for Cancer the Crab.