Spray of Gore

1-2 All cross RH

3-4 1st couple lead down, other two couples cast up

5-6 All cross RH

7-8 2nd couple lead down, other two couples cast up

9-10 1st couple and partner's 1st corners make arches and all cross

11-12 1st couple gatepost around partner's 1st corners 

2nd corners change places RH 

Finish in lines across

13-14 1st couple make arches with partner's 2nd corners and all cross up and down

15-16 1st couple gatepost around 2nd corners while 1st corners change places LH

17-20 1st man with 2s and 1st lady with 3s dance half reels of 3 across

21-24 1st man with 3s and 1st lady with 2s dance half reels of 3 across

25-28 1st couple turn RH and face up

29-32 1st couple lead up to top place and cast off to third place while 3rd couple step up