
8x48 R, 3C in a 4C set

1-8 1C Cross RH, cast off one place, and dance half figures of 8 (lady up, man down); Finish by passing LS to face 1st corners

9-12 1st couple dance round 1st corners and turn RH in the middle to face partner's 2nd corner 

1st corners dance half a reel of 4 to change places

13-24 repeat bars 9-12 on 2nd diagonal, 1st diagonal, 2nd diagonal 

Finish with 1st couple turning RH in middle to face 1st corners

25-32 1st couple dance Hello-Goodbye setting, finishing by setting advancing and pulling back RS, as in General Stuart's Reel

33-36 1st couple dance out through ends of dance, cast to the right, dance in through opposite sides and half turn RH, retaining hands 

Corners advance and retire on diagonals

37-40 1st couple pass RS, cast round to the right and dance in through ends to 2nd place on own side 

Corners advance and retire on diagonals

41-48 Circle round and back