Blue Hyacinths

4x32 R, 4C set, 2s and 4s improper

1-2 All turn neighbour on the side RH half way (1M with 2L, 1L with 2M, 3M with 4L, 3L with 4M)

3-4 1s and 4s star LH half way round, and 1M and 4M pull back LS to face out through the ends in promenade hold

5-8 1C and 4C promenade out through the ends, round to the left. End with 1C in the middle of the women's side and 4C in the middle of the men's side

For the next 16 bars, 1C and 4C move as units - 4M and 1L are always above their partner (space invaders reels)

9-12 Dancing couples give LS to people on their left (4C up to 2L and 1C down to 3L) to start half LS reels of 3 on the sides

13-16 Dancing couples dance out of the end to their right (4C down, 1C up) for half reels of 3 across at either end

17-20 Dancing couples dance out of the other end (4C up, 1C down) for half LS reels of 3 on the sides

21-24 Dancing couples dance out of the other end (4C down, 1C up) for half reels of 3 across

25-28 2C and 3C dance half a ladies chain across

29-32 All dance half a reel of 4 on the sides

End in order 3142

This was written as a proof-of-concept dance for Megaera, the first third of a display I'm working on. I've taken a single figure from it, and worked it into a social dance.