Potent Art

3x32 J, 3C set, 1L and 3L interchanged

1M 3L

2M 2L

3M 1L

The person diagonally opposite you is your partner and will remain so throughout the dance, the person across from you is your contrary, and will be different each time.

1-2 2C pass RS with 1C on right diagonal3-41C half turn LH and give other hand to 3C to make arches on 2nd diagonal, 2C and 3C set

2L       3L



3M       2M

5-8 Arches go half way round anticlockwise; 2C chase half way clockwise under arches

2M       3M



3L       2L

9-12 2C and 3C turn same sex once and a bit RH, 1C turn partner LH once and a bit, to finish







13-14 2C chase 1/4 clockwise and give RH to 3C (opposite sex) 

3C chase 1/4 anticlockwise and give RH to 2C (opposite sex) 

1C turn LH half way15-162L with 3M and 3L with 2M half turn RH and make arches 

1C dance forwards under arches

3M  1M  2L  2M 1L  3L

17-20 Repeat 13-16 from new positions







21-24 Repeat 13-16 from new positions

2L  3L  1M  1L  3M  2M

25-26 2C cast round to the right, 3C cast left, 1C half turn LH, to

2L 3M

1L 1M

3L 2M

27-28 1C cross LS, 2C and 3C cross RS

29-32 2C and 3C dance RS back to back with contrary, 1C dance LS back to back