Xeno's Paradox

4x(32 S + 32 R) M, 4C set

1-2 1C dance down the middle to 4th place while 2C, 3C and 4C step up

3-4 Men half turn RH, ladies half turn LH (2C turn 3C, 1C turn 4C), to finish in lines on the sides in order 3214

5-8 Half reels of 4 on the sidelines (men pass RS, ladies LS to start) to order 4123

9-12 Set in the sidelines and half turn partner

13-16 4C with 1C and 2C with 3C circle four once around to the left

17-20 All join hands and circle eight half way round to the right to order 3214

21-24 3L casts off followed by other ladies, 4M casts up followed by other men, to invert the set to order 4123

25-32 1C and 2C dance an appropriate pousette. Finish either 4123 or 4213

The dance is performed alternatively in strathspey and reel time, using first a slow and then a quick pousette, so that the net effect of each two iterations is to produce the progression 3142.