No Surrender

8x32 R, 3C in a 4C set

1-8 1C cross, cast off and turn 2nd corner RH once around into promenade hold facing in

9-12 1C and 2nd corners change places in promenade hold passing RS, and turn to face in with 2 pas de basque

13-16 1C and 1st corners dance half diagonal R&L, finishing facing in in promenade hold

17-20 1C and 1st corners change places in promenade hold passing LS, and , and turn to face in with 2 pas de basque

21-24 1C and 2nd corners dance half diagonal R&L

25-32 1C dance round 1st corner RS, pass RS up and down in the middle, and 1M with 2s and 1L with 3s dance RH across