Even the Stars

4x32 J, 4C set, 2s and 4s improper

1-8 1st and 4th couples petronella into a line of 4 up and down the middle, set and dance half a reel of 4. 2s and 3s step out on bars 3 and 4


2L    2M



3M    3L


9-10 4s with 2s and 1s with 3s dance half RH stars

11-12 4M and 1M chase 1/4 clockwise, 4L and 1L turn 3/4 LH, 2C and 3C set on the spot

2M       2L

1M    1L 4L    4M

   3L       3M

13-14 1s with 2M and 3L and 4s with 2L and 3M dance half RH stars on the sides

15-16 4L and 1L chase 1/4 clockwise, 4M and 1M turn 3/4 LH, 2C and 3C set on the spot

17-24 Repeat 9-16 from new positions, to finish in same positions as at end of bar 8

25-28 Giving RS to someone of opposite sex to start, 4C with 2C and 1C with 3C dance half reels of 4 across, finishing in order 2(4)1(3)

25-32 1M with 4L and 4M with 1L turn RH all the way round

Even the stars hate me and are out to get me.

EM: This feels like a more complicated version of The Weathercock.